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Indicators of slaughter of the Ukrainian gobies of different meat forms quantity
The article deals with the indicators of slaughter of the Ukrainian meat breed gobies of different meat forms quantity.
At this stage of gobies breeding it is important to know the peculiarities of formation of meat productivity of animals with different meat forms. It gives an opportunity to predict it considering the age and exterior forms.
It is profitable to breed cattle with distinct meat forms, that is much more efficient for households. Animals of Ukrainian meat breed are characterized by high growth rates and weak meat forms. Therefore, the aim and objective of the article was to reveal the expedience of Ukrainian meat breed gobies breeding considering different meat forms quantity.
Studies have been performed at the breeding plant “Volia” (Cherkasy region) on Ukrainian meat breed gobies. Net increase (increase of carcass’ weight at the rate of one day living) they determined in accordance with the requirements of ICAR. Meat forms of gobies were evaluated according to guidelines (Prakhov LP, 1971).
Mass and output of carcasses and internal fat, and net increase of gobies depend on their meat forms quantity. At the age of 18 and 21 months, gobies with better quantity of meat forms tend to benefits of carcasses outputs compared to less rounded peers by 5.0 and 2.6% on net increase by 2.1 and 6.4%. Animals with higher quantity of meat forms have higher output of internal fat at the age of 21 and 23 months by 9.1 and 25.9%. This leads to the increase costs of feed per pound of gain. The latter is associated with the early obesity as for the formation of adipose tissue a cattle waste approximately at 2-2.5 times more nutrients than of muscle one.
Other factors that influence the slaughter output indicators should include a mass of organs and body parts of animals that do not comprise the carcass, such as the head, legs, internal organs. Gobies, that are characterized with better meat forms tend to reduce an absolute and relative weight of the head as the skull of the fetus at the moment of the birth ossifies completely, and considering an early ossification of cartilage these animals have a shorter head and a thinner and lighter skeleton; so this affects their mass.
At the age of 21 and 23 months animals with better meat forms an absolute and a relative lung weight is less. Animals with reduced meat quantity can be classified according to Durst W. (1936) into respiratory (leptosom) type of constitution, and with higher – digestive (eurosom). Animals belonging to the first type are characterized with lung weight, increased metabolism, less ability to delay a fat in body, increased growth rate and differentiation process reduced compared to animals of the second type. The main for the animal of a digestive type are prone to fast obesity. It is the result of their lungs smaller mass so they cannot oxidize timely a residue consumed of nutrients. Animals with rounded body shape are by 13.0 to 24.3% bigger over a scrap of fat and meat from carcasses compared to peers with worse meat forms quantity.
Thus, gobies that have bigger amount of meat quantity are characterized as precocious animals. The beef cattle are divided into two types of precocity: growth rate and speed of formation. A process of meat animals’ precocity formation has a number of negative features: skeletal underdevelopment and a tendency to an excessive accumulation of fat. As a result, sometimes it leads to dwarfism, the inability to produce high net gain due to muscle tissue in particular. The cattle with high speed of formation rates for meat production are economically inefficient. Further researches should be directed at the determining of the relationship between the meat quantity of gobies bodies and their breeding value.
Key words: meat forms quantity, live mass before slaughter, carcass output, carcasses mass net gain.
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