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Amino acid composition of feed additive biomass Spirulina platensis with the use of milk whey during it’s production

Amino acids valine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine and arginine in the body of poultry contribute to a better absorption of phosphorus, calcium and iron, increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Their lack or excess in the body make negative effect on protein biosynthesis in the body, slow performance, and reproductive capacity and activity of proteolytic enzymes, blood disorders, reducing the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin levels.

Widespread use in animal fodder of supplement biomass of photosynthetic unicellular organisms – microalgae Spirulina platensis becomes common. We observed  biomass for better preservation of poultry, increasing increments of body weight, increase resistance and resistance to stress, stimulation of reproductive capacity, increase productivity and egg yolk color intensity.

Technology of blue-green microalgae Spirulina platensis cultivation involves the use of mineral elements in the culture medium. One of the most important is Nitrogen, providing the biosynthesis of proteins and photosynthetic pigments in cells culture. Research has  shown that microalgae Spirulina platensis cells are also able to assimilate it not only in the inorganic form.

Thus, in the laboratory of Food and processing technology of livestock products of the Bila Tserkva national agrarian university there were conducted studies on technology of blue-green microalgae Spirulina platensis cultivation with the use of milk whey and the amino acid composition of biomass. It was experimentally established that addition to the composition of the nutrient medium Zarruka milk whey influences on synthesis of amino acids in the cells of the microalgae Spirulina platensis. The stimulatory effect was found with 1.0 % addition of milk whey to the nutrient medium Zarruka as compared with the control.

In our studies we used pure cultures of cyanobacteria Spirulina platensis and milk whey with the following average data: titrated acidity 61.5 ° T, pH – 4.06, mass fraction of fat – 0.05 %, mass fraction of protein – 0.67 % and dry matter content – 5.58 %.

The cultivation of Spirulina platensis was conducted in reactors with 50 liters capacity each, with the use of standard nutrient medium Zarruka. The culture of microalgae was provided with light round the clock. Compressors were used for mixing culture medium with Spirulina platensis cells. The temperature of the culture medium was kept at 24–25 ° C. Each stage of the study was 30 days.

During the experiment all four research culture media were added with fermented milk whey in different concentrations, the control culture medium had no milk whey. By the end of cultivation period Spirulina platensis culture was separated from the medium and dried. Amino acid content in the dry matter of Spirulina platensis biomass was determined in the laboratory of Fodder additives and premixes control at the state research institute of veterinary preparations and food additives in city of Lviv, by using capillary electrophoresis accord. to I. Kotsyumbas.

 It was experimentally established, that the addition of milk whey to the nutrient medium Zarruka effected the amino acids synthesis in the cells of microalgae Spirulina platensis. The stimulatory effect on the amino acids synthesis in cells of microalgae Spirulina platensis was found with adding 1.0 % of milk whey to the culture medium as compared with the control. With such concentration of milk whey, there was obtained biomass with higher concentration of arginine, tyrosine and phenylalanine by 39.04%, 4.06 % and 3.26 %, respectively, as compared with the control.

Somewhat lower was the concentration of histidine and valine by 7.14% and 3.64 % as compared with the control.

It was also established that the further increase of milk whey concentration up to 4.0 % by volume of nutrient medium Zarruka reduces the activity synthesis of amino acids in microalgae cells. With adding 2.0 % milk whey the Spirulina platensis biomass was obtained with lower concentrations of tyrosine, valine and arginine, respectively by 25.2 %, 25.0% and 21.9 % as compared with the control. The concentration of phenylalanine and histidine was also lower than the biomass, obtained from control culture medium by 14.38 % and 10.71 % respectively.

By increasing serum concentration up to 3.0 % the amino acids concentration in biomass decreased: valine by 41.14 %, histidine by 39.28 %, tyrosine by 39.02 %, phenylalanine by 37.9 % and arginine by 11.76 % as compared with control. Due to the addition of 4.0% of serum by volume to nutrient medium Zarruka, the concentration of histidine, valine, phenylalanine and arginine decreased, by 53.6 %, 54.2, 54.25 and 45.45 % respectively, as compared with the control. Tyrosine decreased the most with this serum concentration amount in the Spirulina platensis biomass – by 56.9% as compared with the control.

It was established that the addition to the nutrient medium Zarruka of 1.0% milk whey stimulates amino acids synthesis in microalgae Spirulina platensis cells.

Increasing the concentration of cultured milk whey to 4.0 % by volume of nutrient medium Zarruka decreases the activity of amino acids synthesis in Spirulina platensis cells.

The research of Spirulina platensis biomass use, grown by adding milk whey to the standard nutrient medium Zarruka, as fodder additive in quail feeding, is very promising.

Key words: milk whey, Spirulina platensis, nutrient medium, biomass of сulture, Nitrogen, amino acids, arginine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, histidine, valine.

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