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Culiarities of feeding young German shepherds under the terms of interregional cycle of cynology in Zhytomyr region

The article observes peculiarities of feeding young German shepherd under the conditions of cynology cycle in Zhytomyr city. As a result of research we determined that rations of feeding dogs of testing group fail to conform to the needs of the dogs.

For studies we selected 20 dogs. The average age of the groups was 7 months, body weight 22 kg, and height at shoulder 52 cm. We formed two similar groups of dogs: the first – control and the second – experimental. Each group consisted of 10 animals.

The diet of dogs in the control group used the following feed: light, wheat cereals, potatoes, carrots, beet table, animal fat, and fish head, salt.

The diet of dogs of the experimental group was the following food: liver, udder, lungs, barley, wheat, carrots, salt.

Single feeding for dogs in the control group was – 1215 grams, dogs of experimental group – 1015 grams per head for a day.

Body weight of dogs of control group for 1 month increased by 3,8 kg, height at shoulder – by 5 cm. Dogs of the 2nd tested group, who were fed with wastes of meat processing companies and porridge, for the period of tests increased body weight by 3,4 kg and height at shoulder by 3,8 cm.

When sampling blood there was found the influence of different types of feeding on the main clinical and hematological parameters of dogs.

The results of blood tests prove us about abuses of internal organs functions and metabolic processes in young dogs of the experimental group. Thus, we observed reduction in the number of erythrocytes and the content of phosphorus, calcium and total protein.

Thus, morphological parameters of the dogs clinical blood proved inferior dogs feeding in  the second experimental group, which leads to various diseases. The dogs blood indicators in the control group were at acceptable levels.

Observations of general health showed that 3 dogs of second experimental group showed symptoms of diseases such as dermatitis, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, growth retardation, dry hair. All these features are primarily related to defective feeding.

The general condition of the animals in the control group was the same: dogs looked healthy, with shiny and thick hair, correct setting of the limbs. Throughout the experimental period we did not observe skin and gastrointestinal tract diseases of dogs.

Key words: сynology cycle, peculiarities of feeding, ration, height in shoulder, body weight, wastes of meat processing companies, porridge, blood test, young German shepherd.

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