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Estimation of milk production of goats and intensity of flow milk goats
Creation of optimal conditions for a high rate of milk is one of the most important technological problems of machine milking. Technological features of goats’ udder of dairy breeds are indicators that characterize its functional properties. Most important is the intensity of milking that provides rapid and intensive removal of milk, and high efficiency makes of machine milking. The intensity of milking determines the length of milking goats, and the staying goats in the milking parlor.
The objective of the research was to study milk productivety of Saanen goats in terms of milk yield, percentage and absolute content in milk fat and protein, duration and intensity of milking goats depending on the age of lactation.
The study was conducted at the farm "Babyny kozy" Tetiiv District, Kyiv Region in herd of goats. Feeding was carried out feed tables. Milking of goats was conducted at milking installation.
Tested goats were divided by age in lactation into 3 groups: the first group – goats in the first lactation, the second – goats in the second lactation and the third group – goats in the third lactation.
Goats were evaluated by complete lactation they were in the same conditions and feeding. Lactation was lasted for 9–10 months. The milk flow assessed during control milking at the beginning of the second month of lactation. At the same time we determined the duration and intensity of the milking.
For determining duration of milking it was measured time from enrobe of second teat cup and when the first jets of milk before the end of the allocation of milk. Intensity of milking determined by dividing amount of milk on length of milking.
Comparative evaluation of goat milk production during lactation showed that the yield in the second lactation goats to 109 kg, or were 18 % higher compared to the first lactation goats.
Yield of milk of goats in the third lactation at 162.6 kg, or 26.8 % prevailed goats in the first lactation and 53.6 kg, or
7.0 % dominated of goats in the second lactation.
In our studies, experimental goats were not significant difference in terms of mass fraction of milk fat and protein in milk, depending on lactation. One important criterion for evaluating performance is coefficient of milk, which shows the number of milk of goats synthesized by the body per 100 kg live weight. As it turned, coefficient of milk of goats in the first lactation amounted to 1334.4 kg. Coefficient of milk of goats in the second lactation was by 22 kg, or 1.6 %, third lactation – by 1.9 kg higher.
Duration of milking of goats was almost the same level. Duration of milking of goats in the second and third lactation by 0.1 min, or 5.6 % was longer compared to first lactation.
One-time yield of milk of goats in second lactation was higher by 0.4 kg, or 21 % as compared to the goats of first lactation.
Goats in the third lactation by yield of milk prevailed by 0.5 kg, or 26.3 % of goats in the first lactation. One-time yield of animals in the third lactation was more by 0.1 kg or 4.3 % than of goats in the second lactation.
The intensity of milking of goats in the second lactation was higher by 0.16 kg/min, or 17.0 % than goats in the first lactation, and goats in the third lactation – by 0.27 kg/min, or 28.7 %. The difference by this indicator of goats in the third and in the second lactation was 0.11 kg/min, or 10.0 %.
So, it was shown a tendency to increase the intensity of milking goats with age. Probably the physiological activity of udder of goat increases with age.
Thus, the highest of milk production was found in goats in the third lactation. Content of fat and protein in the milk of goats with age does not change. The intensity of milking of goats is set at 0.94–1.21 kg /min. The highest level of index had goats in the third lactation (1.21 kg/min).
Key words: production of milk of goats, duration of milking, intensity of milking, one-time milk yield.
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