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Influence of the “Ecosorb” preparation on duck broilers meat quality
The quality of young duck meat studied in scientific and economic experiment, in the conditions of experimental facilities of the Department of Feed Technology, feed additives and animal nutrition at the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University.
According to the scheme of the experiment (Table 1) were selected for 400 one day old ducklings of the cross Cherry Valley, of which by analogue principle there were formed four groups – one control and three experimental with 100 heads (50 males and 50 females) each. Analogues were selected by sex and body weight.
Feeding ducks in all experimental groups throughout the experiment was the same (complete feed) and differ only that in the fodder 1st control group ducklings there was no sorbent, and the animal feed for ducklings of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th D groups sorbent was added at doses of 0.57, 0.78 and 1 g/kg of feed, respectively. During the introduction of feed additives, the method of weighing and dispensing multi-mixing was used. The main period of the experiment lasted 42 days.
At the end of the experiment, after ducklings achieved 42-day of age, their slaughter was carried out on 4 head of each group live weight of which corresponded to the average in the group according to the conventional method.
The meat quality was determined by chemical and biological value – for amino acid composition. For this purpose we used December and thigh muscles. Chemical composition (dry and organic matter, ash, protein, fat and ash) were determined by standard methods, and the amino acid – the automatic analyzer TTT 339 using cation exchange resin LG ANB active group SO3. The study was carried out in duplicate.
Biometric data processing was carried out using MS Excel software using the builtin statistical functions.
It is known that the nutritional value of meat due to its chemical composition, which largely depends on the level of feeding birds.
As a result, studies have found that feeding ducks with the addition of different doses of sorbent during their growing influence the chemical composition of the breast muscles and leg muscles.
The young ducks in group 2 dry matter content and ash muscle was 0.2 organic matter – 0.4, protein – 0.1 % higher, and fat content, by contrast, 0.1 % lower than in control counterparts. A similar pattern is found and the chemical composition of the leg muscles of birds. In particular, the muscles of the duckling legs 2nd group observed an increase of 0.2 in the number of dry and 0.3 organic matter, protein and ash respectively 0.4 and 0.1 %. While for fat significant difference from the control group counterparts is not installed.
In pecs poultry 3rd group showed a reduction in the fat content of 0.2 %, increasing ash content, organic matter and ash respectively 0.1, 0.1 and 0.4 %, while the contents of dry matter and protein differences with the control group was not observed.
Feeding 3rd group ducklings with the addition of sorbent 0.78 g/kg resulted in reduction of muscle dry and organic matter, respectively, by 0.3 and 0.9 %. The content of protein, fat, ash and ash differences with controls not marked.
Adding sorbent to ducklings feed of the 4th experimental group in an amount of 1 g/kg of feed contributed to the growth of the breast muscle dry matter content of 0.6 organic matter – 0.8, protein – 0.5, fat – 0,1 ash and by 0.9 % compared to the control group birds.
Increased protein feeding ducks 4th group was accompanied by the growth of content in muscles of legs dry and organic matter 1.0, 1.6 protein, 0.3 fat and 0.1 decrease in the number of ash and ash of 0.2 % compared to the control group ducks.
On the basis of our studies it was found that the use during all periods of growing ducklings a high content of sorbent in animal feed significantly increases the biological value of meat.
Key words: ducklings, chickens, sorbent, breast muscle, fat, protein, ash, dry and organic matter.
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