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Level of productivity of cows of Swedish breed in the second lactation, as an indicator of adaptation to industrial technology of milk production in the steppe zone of Ukraine
It is quite difficult to develop and implement new technological solutions of milk production on the industrial basis, aimed at increasing productivity and efficiency, without assessing adaptive genetic characteristics and the degree of destabilization of norms reaction of animals of other environmental origin.
The aim of research was to establish the level of implementation of productive capacity of cows of Swedish breed of Austrian and Sumy environmental origin in the second lactation after adaptation during the first productive period at the industrial complex in the Steppe zone of Ukraine. The second lactation of cows of different ecological origin indicates a level of acclimatization and adaptation during the first productive period to weather and climatic conditions of the Steppe zone of Ukraine. It was established, that the highest daily milk yield is 40.1 kg which is characteristic of the ІІ group of cows of Austrian environmental origin that were imported in the autumn. At the same time, the third group of control animals of Sumy environmental origins the highest daily milk yield was at a high level, but still inferior to the value of the second group of cows at 4.97 %. Insignificant level of the highest daily milk yield is marked in cows of first group of Austrian environmental origin, that were imported in spring, which is an average 36.1 kg of milk.
Swedish breed cows of the second lactation of II group have the best indicator of the milk yield per day during all lactation period and an average is 29.1 kg physical and 29.3 kg of 4 % of milk. Relatively lower milk yield was noted in the third (control) group of cows, which does not exceed 26.0 and 25.4 kg. Good indicators of milk yield per lactation period were noted in the І group of cows, which for one day produced 27.9 physical or 27.6 kg 4 % of milk.
It was set, that the intensity of physiological activity of lactating organism of Swedish breed cows is significantly higher in the first 10 months of lactation. Functional activity of the organism of Swedish cows calculated by 305 day of lactation is higher than the indicator of complete lactation at 8.22 %. In the second group of cows that indicator is 9.06 %. In the third (control) group cows the intensity of secretory processes in the parenchyma of the udder within 10 months of lactation is higher compared with full lactation at 7.14 %.
Cows of the first and the second groups differ by the level of milk production. Cows of II group have the highest indicator of milk production, which is 10.338.8 10.383.9 kg physical or 10383.9 kg 4 % of milk. Cows of the third (control) group are characterized by the lowest productivity, which is an average of 8646.4 kg of physical milk.
Data of milk quality of Swedish cows show a high adaptive capacity productive property potential and milk quality. The highest level of fat mass fraction in milk showed the cows of the second group and is an average of 4.03 %. A good indicator of fat mass fraction in milk showed cows of the first group of animals – 3.93 %. In these studies, relatively lowest milk fat showed cows of the third (control) group, in which the fat mass fraction did not exceed 3.83 %. The indicators of fat in milk are considerably varies in Swedish breed cows, the indicators of protein content in milk is stable. In cows of І and III (control) group the mass fraction of protein in milk is almost the same level respectively 3.43 and 3.44 %. Only slightly a higher indicator of protein content in milk is characterized to the Swedish cows of the second group in which it is about 3.47 %.
It was established that the level of nutrition and its quality fully meet the needs of lactating organism of Swedish breed cows, according to information of the ratio of mass fraction of fat to protein. In all cows of the second lactation of three research groups these indicators are very close and ranged within the physiological norm – at 1.14–1.17 unit.
Terms of exploitation of cows in industrial complex in the Steppe zone of Ukraine are comfortable, so adaptation occurs quite easily, which is manifested in the high milk yield and milk quality for the lactation period.
Key word: Swedish breed cows, lactation, milk yield, fat and protein of milk, physiological activity of the organism.
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