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In order to obtain ecologically pure milk from highly productive Holstein cows of German breeding and better assimilation of trace elements by the organism of experimental animals, to the low-component feed mixes were introduced mixed feed concentrates with different levels of mixed-alloy complexes of Zinc, Manganese and Cobalt, Supplex Se, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, which supplemented the feed mix with Copper and Iodine to normal, and the concentration of Selenium was adjusted to 0.3 mg / kg DM (dry matter) forage mix. In the feed mix of cows of the 1st control group, the dose of Zinc and Mangan was adjusted to 60.8 mg / kg DM, and Cobalt – 0.78 mg / kg. Doses of Zinc and Mangan – 60.8 mg / kg and Cobalt – 0.78 mg / kg DM showed the highest milk yield results in experimental cows in the previous experiment, in which the cows of the Holstein, Ukrainian Black-and-White Dairy and Ukrainian Red-Whipped Dairy breeds were involved in the first 100 days of lactation. The dose of Zinc, Manganese and Cobalt were increased by 10% to cows of the 2nd experimental group, while the cows of the 3rd experimental group, on the contrary, were decreased by 10%, while the cows of the 4th and 5th experimental groups decreased by 20% and 30% respectively.

Based on these data, during the scientific and economic experiment, it was established, that an increase in the concentration of Zinc, Mangan and Cobalt by 10% in 1 kg of DM against the first control group at the expense of their mixed ligand complexes in the rations of the dairy cows of the Holstein breed of German breeding in the first 100 days of lactation, contributed to obtaining the highest productivity in comparison with the control and other experimental groups. The best indicators for daily milk yields were cows of the 2nd experimental group, which prevailed the average daily natural milk yield of cows of the 1st control group by 10.8%, the 3rd experimental group by 3.9%, the 4th experimental group on – 6.2% and the 5th experimental group – 8.7% with milk fat in the 1st control group – 3.74%, the second – 3.78%, the third – 3.79%, the 4-and 3.80% and the 5th – 3.82%.

On the basis of the data obtained during the scientific and economic experiment, it is proved, that the genetic potential of high-yielding cows of the Holstein breed of German breeding in the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine is best realized at a concentration of 1 kg of DM compound feed, mg: Zinc 66.9; Mangan 66.9; Cobalt 0.86; Selenium 0.3; Copper 12 and Iodine 1.1.

Key words: high productivity cows, premix, trace elements, mixed ligand complexes Zinc, Mangan and Cobalt, copper sulfate, potassium iodite, Seplex Se, lactation, milk yield, fat content of milk, feed mix, deficiency.


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