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The comparative evaluation of milk quality in the robotic milking systems
The article provides analytical review of actual state and perspectives of Ukrainian dairy industry in conditions of WTO and European integration. The milk quality of robotic milking was evaluated according to the requirements of Ukrainian standards and those of European countries. A preliminary comparison has been made of the existing standard DSTU 3662-97 “Cow milk unskimmed purchasing requirements” and the future DSTU 3662:2015 “Cow milk-raw material technical conditions”. The comparative quality evaluation has been done of milk production in the robotic milking systems and existing traditional milking systems – milking equipment “Parallel” and “Carousel”.
The Ukraine’s joining the WTO and signing the agreement about Association with the European Union foresee the new quality level of Ukrainian food products, which is the main precondition for entering the world market.
In Ukraine the milk quality is regulated by the state standard DSTU 3662-97 “Cow milk unskimmed purchasing requirements”. The studies show that the requirements of the Ukrainian standard do not meet the requirements of the EU for milk quality and safety very considerably and they deviate from the EU indices by several times.
Having compared the DSTU 3662-97 and the EU decision № 853/2004, It is seen that Ukrainian milk of the standards “extra” and “first-class”, considered as raw material of high quality, is qualified by the EU standards as “bearable” and of the lowest quality. The milk “extra” and “first-class” is of much lower quality according to the EU requirements, however it is still acceptable for the processing. As to the milk of category I and II, it is not acceptable for the European milk processing industries. That is why, in the framework of the Association of Ukraine and EU, a new standard has been developed to replace the old one DSTU 3662:2015 “Cow milk-raw material technical conditions”. That new standard was to be joined into force on 01.01.2018 but due to a number of reasons it was postponed until 01.07.2018. According to the new standard, only 3 milk categories will remain. The milk of category II (with bacterial contamination of up to 3 million/cm3) will be excluded. According to the new standard, the requirements to the raw milk for the processing will be on the same level as European ones.
According to our investigation at the enterprise “Terezyne” in the village Vilna Tarasivka, the milking technology with robotic system provides milk of guaranteed quality during exploitation years, which corresponds with the existing DSTU 3662-97, future DSTU 3662:2015 and the EU requirements. Also comparing the traditional milking systems to the milk quality obtained by the robotic milking system is considerably higher. It preserves the initial properties of milk coming from the cow’s udder. All that allows supplying the milk processing industries with raw material of high quality and produce milk products of good quality, safe and competitive on both domestic and world markets. This makes a good perspective for wider use of robotic milking in Ukraine.
Key words: dairy industry, raw milk, milk quality, robotic milking, bacterial contamination.
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