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The determination of toxic level of selenium preparations
Poultry farming has a significant need for balanced nutrients to ensure high growth rates. Traditionally used selenium drugs do not fully provide protection against the effects of stressors due to the narrow range of non-toxic doses, difficult assimilation of inorganic drugs, the difficulty of regulating the biological effect of the use of organic forms of compounds. The new selenium nanosized preparations have a higher surface-to-volume ratio than traditional preparations, have a wider range of non-toxic doses, and can otherwise affect metabolic processes according to the characteristics of the nanoparticles used. To establish the appropriateness of their use in poultry feeding, itwas studied the toxicity of selenium and probiotic preparations byintragastric administration to laboratory animals. In collaboration with the Institute of D.K. Zabolotny Microbiology and Virology Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine at the Research Institute of Ecology and Biotechnology of Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University there was developed a technology of "green" production of a multifunctional antioxidant - nanopopulation "Nano". Indicators of acute and acute toxicity of sodium selenite with probiotic and bionanoselen were studied in white mice and rats, to which the studied feed additives were administered intragastrically for 14 and 30 days in different doses. The next day after administration, rats were decapitated under light ether anesthesia, blood samples were taken, hematological tests were performed according to generally accepted methods and organ mass ratios were determined. The study allows us to conclude about the low-toxic effect of selenium preparations on experimental animals, their significant effect on the growth of certain hematological parameters of the blood and the absence of significant changes in the weights of internal organs. Significant differences in the mass of internal organs: liver, lungs, heart and kidneys were not detected, indicating the absence of toxic effects of nonoselen in different doses on these organs.
Key words: nanopreparations, selenium, toxicity, rats, mice, blood, internal organs.
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