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The influence of the isolation of queen bee on its reproductive capacity and honey productivity of bees
The technological method of isolation of queen bees lies in more reasonable ways of using the potential of working bees, increasing their life expectancy, obtaining strong flying bees and also increasing the honey collection. The study of optimal terms of isolation of queen bees, their reproductive activity, characteristics of biological connections between physiological state of bees and collecting carbohydrate food in varying natural and climatic conditions is of particular practical and scientific interest. In the presented work the data of experimental studies on influence of isolation of queen bees on their reproductive capacity and honey productivity of the bee colony was provided. The goal was to study the reproductive function of isolated queen bees by accounting the brood through the beekeeping season. Methods of research. Zootechnical (selection of groups of analogues, growth accounting, the strength of the bee colony), analytical (analysis of literature data and results of research) and statistical (biometric processing of experimental data). Biometric data processing was performed on a PC using MS Excel software with the use of built-in statistical functions. Results. After the isolation, the queen bees of the research groups were characterized by low egg-laying capacity and started to lay eggs immediately after their release from isolation cage. From the end of June till the end of July the queen bees of all groups gradually increased egg-laying and by the end of accounting reduced their reproductive activity. This behavior of queen bees is primarily connected with the period of season. Therefore, the studies found that isolation has not affected the physiological changes in the reproductive system of queen bees and subsequently the strength of the bee colonies. Conclusions. On the terms of research it has been proven that technological method of isolation of queen bees during the period of honey collection up to 20 days can be successfully applied. Moreover, the use of such technological method as isolation of queen bees during the period of honey collection makes it possible to increase the productivity of queen bees.
Key words: bee colony, Ukrainian steppe breed, isolation, brood, reproductive function, honey productivity.
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