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Age dynamics of growth and development of calves of the dairy period depending on a way of their maintenance
The results of the assessment of replacement heifers of the dairy period of growing the Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed according to the intensity of growth and development with various methods of keeping are presented.The young of the control group were raised according to the traditional technology in the calf room in Evers cages, the experimental group - "cold" method. Live weight of animals was determined on the basis of monthly weighing data during their rearing. Live weight and growth intensity in the lactation period were the highest in the group of calves during "cold" rearing. Live weight at 3 months of age - 101.8-105.2 kg, at 6 months - 171.3-178.3 kg. It was found that in terms of live weight at 6 months of age, cold-fed animals were better by 7.0 kg, or 4.1%, animals of the first group increased their live weight by 5.24 times, the second - by 5.37 times . The average daily gain of repair young in the second group was higher by 36 g compared to keeping calves indoors. No significant differences in the linear measurements of heifers of both groups under 3 months of age were detected, the differences began to appear from the third month until the end of the lactation period. Heifers raised in the "cold" way, with a larger live weight had, accordingly, larger basic measurements. The proportions of the physique of heifers changed with age. Indices of stretching and massiveness increase with age, bony, long-legged, pelvic, beaten - decreases. There were animals for "cold" keeping. Indices of physique (stretch, long-legged, beaten, massive pelvic, thoracic) at the end of the milk period show that heifers in the "cold" content exceeded their peers grown indoors prophylaxis.
Key words: calves, live weight, average daily gain, measurements, body mass indices, traditional and cold way of keeping.
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