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Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in bootstrap_table() (line 238 of /var/www/html/sites/all/themes/bootstrap/templates/system/table.func.php).The balance of minerals in fattening pigs under the influence of mixed-ligand complexes of Zinc
In addressing the problem of increasing pork production in Ukraine pigbreeding plays a big role as one of the most precocious and dynamic livestock industries. One way to increase pork production is crossbreeding and hybridization. Under normal conditions, feeding, maintenance and selection of species, plant type lines, the pigs have increased vitality, better assimilation of food, intensive growth and development, high reproductive capacity, and higher resistance to various diseases. Zinc plays an important role for animals and humans. Its biological role is linked to the activities of the endocrine glands, where it is mostly concentrated. Today the necessity of zinc for the function of endocrine glands, its participation in the cell division mechanism is proved. Thus, the effect of zinc on animals is diverse and ration optimization with this trace element affects the normalization of various metabolic processes.
In the scientific and economic balance experiment was conducted research on digestibility of nutrients. The nature of the minerals exchange in the body and the level of their safety for animals can be judged by the balance of calcium and phosphorus elements. Among quantitative mineral needs for animals, Calcium ranked first. It is the part of bones, teeth, is involved in metabolism and energy, the process of blood coagulation, is an activator of certain enzymes and so on.
Analysis of the data shows that the amount of calcium that is released with pigs feces of different breeds and hybrids was within 14.0–15.8 g. The white pigs breed figure was lower than the control counterparts by 9.5% in Landrace pigs – by 6.6% in pigs three hybrids – by 4.1% and in pigs four hybrids – by 2.8%.
Animals of research groups released with the feces less calcium than control counterparts, indicating a better absorption of this element in the feed.
In the urine of different pig breeds and hybrids the control groups contained most calcium. This white animals breed indicator of the 5th experimental group was lower than control counterparts by 8.0%; in Landrace pigs of the 4th experimental group – 11%; three hybrids in the 3rd experimental group – 8.9% and four hybrids 3rd experimental group – 7.9% below control.
The amount of calcium absorption in the pigs body of different breeds and hybrids the best performance had animals in the 5th experimental group of large white breed, they dominate by 13.7% over control counterparts; in Landrace pigs 4th experimental group, the figure was higher than the control by 10.3%; three hybrids in swine 3rd experimental group – 7.4%; four hybrids in the 3rd experimental group – 6.0%.
The best index of calcium absorption 46.6% of the fuel was found in a large white pigs 5th experimental group who received zinc chelate in an amount 83.2 g / t feed. This figure is 5.3% higher than the rate of the control one.
By this index the Landrace pig breeds of the 4th experimental group, which chelate zinc intake was 166.4 g/t feed, dominated the control animals by 4.2%, however, the percentage of consumed was 48.2%. Best absorption of calcium – 49.2% and 49.5% of the consumed – were three pigs and hybrids four 3rd experimental group, which was introduced to the feed with mixed-ligand complex of zinc in the amount of 332.9 g/t. These figures are, respectively, by 2.8% and 2.3% higher than control.
Together with Calcium, Phosphorus is involved in almost all metabolic processes in the body, forming part of proteins, phospholipids, nucleic acids and other organic compounds. Given that the exchange of phosphorus in the body is closely associated with calcium metabolism, the ratio of these minerals in the feed has clearly monitored and kept within certain limits.
Animals of different species and hybrids of the control and experimental groups had little difference in the amount of phosphorus intake feed. The bulk of the phosphorus, received by body, is released with the faeces. Thus, the large white pigs in 5 experimental group had the least phosphorus in the feces – 6.0% as compared with control counterparts.
In Landrace animal breed the least phosphorus allocation in faeces had the 4th experimental group – 5.2% less than in the control group. Pigs and three hybrids four 3rd research groups released phosphorus in the feces, respectively by 5.3% and 2.7% less than in the control.
Bold phosphorus excretion in pigs of different breeds and hybrids were determined within 0.76–0.88 g and the difference was not significant.
Inter-group difference was observed in the amount of assimilated phosphorus. The best indicator of this was in large white pigs in the 5th experimental group, it exceeded the control by 11.4%.
The greatest amount of digested phosphorus was determined in the 4th experimental group of Landrace breed animals, they exceeded the control figure by 9.9%. Three and four hybrids in the 3rd experimental group had the best performance for assimilated phosphorus that exceeded control counterparts, respectively by 10.1% and 6.8%.
On the efficiency of phosphorus contained in the fodder at different doses mixedligand complex zinc shows the assimilated – consumed ratio of phosphorus. The highest – 43.8% – this figure was a large white animal breeds 5th experimental group; difference between animals of this group and the control was 4.2%. In Landrace pigs – 44.6% – the figure was in the 4th experimental group; difference with the control was 3.4%. In three hybrids and four hybrids best utilization of phosphorus (46.0% and 46.3%) was found in the 3rd experimental group; these figures exceed the control, respectively, by 3.8% and 2.5%.
Feeding young growing pigs with compound feed of different levels of zinc in the form of organic mixed-ligand complex improves metabolic processes in pigs. It should be noted that predominated control indicators big white pigs for dose fodder mixed-ligand complex Zinc 83.2 g/t; Landrace – for dose 166.4 g/t of feed; three hybrids and four hybrids pigs – by dose 332.9 g/t feed.
Key words: pigs, mixedligand complexes of zinc, feed, digestibility, assimilation, balance of calcium, phosphorus balance.
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