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Biotechnology of using polyhexamethyleneguanidine based disinfectants

One of crucial issues of the national agriculture development are biotechnological bases for creating and applying competitive domestic preventive and curative remedies.

Solving this problem is based on increasing the efficiency of stock-raising development and improving the quality of products on the basis of environmentally friendly scientific technologies.

The issues of the biotechnology of introducing disinfectant measures and agents as well as their biological, ecological and economic efficiency increase has always been topical.

The aim of the research. The research was aimed to develop the biotechnology of implementing disinfectants based on polymeric derivatives of guanidine into different industries of stock-raising through studying their influence on microorga-nisms and mammals.

Research methods. Biotechnological, bacteriological, mycological, biochemical, physical and chemical, toxicological and statistical research methods.

Results and discussions. The present Ukrainian market is represented with wide assortment of disinfectant agents. The majority of the suggested disinfectants are meant for application only in humane medicine and are low-efficient under application by veterinary medicine specialists. It is predetermined by considerable bacterial contamination of veterinary supervision objects with conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microflora. Application of a number of disinfectant agents under such terms does not provide the microorganisms devitalizsation.

Annual production volumes and application of disinfectant preparations have been increasing in the world. the 42 foreign and 22 domestic preparations are registered in Ukraine.

We have synthesized a new disinfectant preparation Epidez. It is a homogeneous transparent 20 % solution colorless and odorless, with specific weight of 1.128 g/сm3 and рН 7.0±0.5.

The disinfectant is applied by spraying or wet wiping with 0,1–0,5 % aqueous solutions.

Toxicological studying of the Epidez preparation found that its working solutions did not result in hyperaemia, edema and changes in the studied animals eye vessels, LD50 is 5 907.5 mg/kg, indicating its belonging to the 3rd  toxicity level (moderate toxic substances) under oral use and the 4th  level (low toxic substances) under external use.

The Epidez disinfectant has high antiseptic properties. Thus, under 0.05 % concentration for 3 hours at room temperature it exhibits bactericidal effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and under 0.1 % concentration it kills  clostridia and bacilli; exposed for 2 hours at a concentration of 0.05 % it has bactericidal effect on microorganisms and bacteriostatic one on nosprous microorganisms as well as on bacilli and clostridia; exposed for 1 hour at 0.05 % concentration it has bacteriostatic effect, and at 1% concentration it has bactericidal effect.

0.05 % working solution at room temperature and 30 min exposure did not kill microorganisms deposited on wood and concrete, while Epidez working solutions at 0.1 % concentration showed 100% bactericidal action even under organic protection of the test cultures.

The efficiency of fungicidal activity of Epidez at different concentrations  was determined on test cultures of museum strains of Aspergillus genus molds under different exposures. Epidez disinfectant showed fungicidal effect at the concentrations above 3.0 % under exposition at room temperature for 60 minutes and the effect was higher as compared to the control.

We have developed efficient, environmentally friendly and inexpensive water-based disinfectant for using in winter. Carbamide [(NH2) 2CO] and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) [(SH3) 2SO] were chosen as substances with cold-resistant properties. Bactericidal activity on the test organisms (E. coli and Staph. Aureus) is found the best in 0.1 % solution in the composition with urea at the ratio of 1:38.

Testing the efficincy of Epidez for the needs of livestock was carried out on dairy farms of three enterprises during the outbreak of infectious diseases on their territory. The disinfection was carried out in the summer months at the temperature of 20–29 ˚C by irrigation method, 3 h.exposure, spending 0.33±0.02 l/m2 of 0.1 % Epidez solution. Bactericidal effect on
E. coli, bacilli and clostridia under such technology was 100%.

Production testing of the application of biotechnology of frost resistant Epidez barrier drug for disinfection of livestock buildings in the winter was performed on two dairy farms. The disinfection was performed by irrigation spending 0,33±0,02 l/m2 of the 0.5 % Epidez barrier solution heated to 50±5 ˚C, which had 100% bactericidal effect on all types of the test microorganisms (E. coli, Bacillus and Clostridium).

Disinfection of the equipment at meat processing enterprises was conducted with 0.05% solution at a temperature of 40±3˚C, applying 0,3±0,05 l/m2 of the disinfectant, the exposure time was 1 hour. The disinfection in this mode turned to be qualitative according to all sanitary indicators.

Epidez disinfectant at concentration of 0.5 % was used at a rate of 0,3±0,05 l/m2 for the prophylactic treatment of pond beds where marketable fish carp was grown in the summer. The treatment was carried out after fishing and complete drainage of the ponds.

It has been found out that the treatment of meat processing plants equipment with Epidez is 7.3 times cheaper, livestock buildings treatment is 13.3 times cheaper, and the pond beds – 17.6 times cheaper than the disinfection carried out according to the price list for veterinary services.

Key words: biotechnology, polyhexamethyleneguanidine, disinfection, disinfectants, Epidez.

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