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The catalase activity and ceruloplasmin content in rabbits plasma and liver
The antioxidant system (AOS) plays an important role in animals’ organisms. It prevents the negative impact of oxygen active forms (AFO) and lipid peroxidation products, which destroy biological cell membranes. Reactive oxygen (O2--, OH--, RO2, OH2, H2O2, etc.) in addition to its positive action (vascular tone regulation, cell proliferation, prostaglandins synthesis) causes proteins restructuring through peroxidation, causing acid residues modification and biological activity loss.
Reactive oxygen is continuously formed during the substrates oxidation in animals cells. The free radical oxidation intensification, processed under the influence of AFO, causes lipid peroxidation increase (LPI), proteins oxidative modification, nucleic acids and carbohydrates degradation, causing cells structural and metabolic abnormalities. The process initiator in most cases is OH, which is able to separate hydrogen atom from organic compounds to form organic free radicals (RH + OH → R- + H2O). A free radical is a molecule with an unpaired electron in the outer orbit, making it unstable and reactive.
The catalase and ceruloplasmin content study is important in the antioxidant organism defense study.
Antioxidant system helps to identify critical, in physiological and biochemical terms, development periods, to stimulate the organism adaptogenic, productive and generative possibilities.
During the study it was found that in 15-days old to 60-days old rabbits CAT daily activity increased significantly. The highest catalase activity was in 60-days old rabbits and made 558,3 ± 6,50 mAbs / ml. Further, from the 75th to the 90th day possible catalase activity decline in plasma was noted (p<0,01).
The ceruloplasmin content was the lowest in one-day old rabbits, and then increased significantly (p<0,001) until 45-days compared to the previous period. Starting from 45-days age the reductoin of security activity was noted until 75 day. Starting from 75 th to 90 th day the re-growth was revealed. The highest CB content was in 45days old rabbits. In particular, there was a reliable increase by 65% compared with the 30 days old animals (p<0,001).
During the study of blood plasma catalase activity in different rabbit breeds it was found that the activity was the highest among 90-day old animals of Californian breed and it made 502,16 ± 11,09 mAbs / ml. Catalase activity in rabbits blood plasma of Californian breed was higher by 3.5% compared with New Zealand, 4.8% – of Soviet Chinchilla and 1.5% – compared to silver one.
Ceruloplasmin content was the highest in rabbits plasma of Soviet Chinchilla breed and was 401,6 ± 9,60 mAbs / ml, which was higher by 22.4% compared with New Zealand, at 28.1% – of California and by 30% – from Silver. Thus with the obtained research results data, we can conclude that the catalase activity in different rabbit breeds was displayed differently.
The investigated enzymatic activity parameters in rabbits blood plasma of all ages and breeds are within the physiological norm.
The free radicals neutralization in the 90-day old rabbits blood plasma of Californian breed is caused due to catalase activity in less degree due to ceruloplasmin while in Soviet Chinchilla rabbits mostly due to ceruloplasmin.
In the 90-day different breeds rabbits liver revealed that the catalase activity as well as in their plasma was the highest in California breed.
The catalase activity in the Californian breed rabbits liver was higher by 5.7% compared to the Soviet Chinchilla, by 2.5% – compared to New Zealand and 1.5% – compared to Silver.
In determining the ceruloplasmin content in the liver it was found that it was the highest in New Zealand rabbits breed and was 1,3 ± 0,13 mg / g of tissue, which was higher by 85.7% compared to Californian, 18.2% compared to Soviet Chinchilla and 30% – compared to Silver.
The study have found that the efficient organism enzymatic antioxidant defense system is functioning due to the main enzymes, of which catalase and ceruloplasmin are very important for the rabbits body normal functioning.
Key words: catalase, ceruloplasmin, antioxidant system, blood plasma, rabbits.
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