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Dynamics of internal weight for feeding young rabbits high-protein feed

With the use of modern industrial technologies rabbit sector will be effective only for the organization of full and balanced feeding. A special place in addressing the growth of meat rabbits belonging to increasing consumption and improving efficiency of feed nutrients, since the bulk of expenditures in rabbit production accounts for feed.
In Ukraine and abroad in feeding farm animals use various feed additives with a wide range of actions that differ in origin (plant, animal, mineral), a set of biologically active ingredients (vitamins, protein, fat, protein and vitamin, mineral, etc.) and production technology.
One of the feed additives containing a significant amount of lysine is Liprot (lysine-protein supplement).
Through the use of lysine microbiological origin was possible reduction of protein in the diet of rabbits without reducing their average daily live weight gain. But while the corresponding changes in diets and the use of different feed ingredients can affect the composition of the resulting product, so along with the study of animal performance indicators need to control its quality.
In this regard, the establishment of research and study of optimal levels of crude protein and lysine in the feed for young rabbits of all ages are important and have great scientific and practical importance.
Research on the effects of additives in meat Liprot performance young rabbits was conducted on rabbit farm part-time farm JSC "Feed" in Bila Tserkva town Kyiv region and rabbit farm village. Production test was carried out on an industrial rabbit farm AASO AK "Kalyta" village. Kalyta Kyiv region.
During the scientific and economic research and industrial inspection of rabbits kept in rooms with controlled microclimate parameters. Zoohygienic conditions met the requirements to the established standards.
Studies were conducted on rabbits of grey giant breed.
Taking into account that during the research animal from research groups received in addition to the basic diet Liprot that could cause specific effects on their bodies, during the control of slaughter involving specialist veterinary attention was paid to study the status and weight of internal organs of experimental animals.
During examination of internal organs of slaughter rabbits there was not found any significant deviations from the norm, although the tendency to increase the weight of internal organs in animals of experimental groups was observed. Thus, the average weight of the hearts ranged from 6.72 g to 8.13 g, and its development index (ratio of weight to internal organ ante live weight) was 0.22–0.25 %. A statistically significant difference between the increase in heart weight compared to control rabbits was only the 3rd and 4th experimental groups, and heart mass was greater, respectively, 1.41 grams, or 21.0 % and 1.37 g, or 20.4 % (P<0.001). The difference in increasing heart weight in rabbits 2nd and 5th experimental group compared with controls was not significant (P>0.05).
The mass of internal organs, the indices of development and the length of the gut in all experimental animals was within physiological norms for rabbits at 4 months of age, but in animals 3rd and 4th research groups, which are the main diet treated with the additive Liprot doses 1–1.5 % from protein diet, an increase in mass of the heart, lungs, kidneys, spleen and liver relative to the weight of these rabbits in the control group (heart, kidney, spleen difference was statistically significant), although their indexes of such trends was not observed.
So feeding Liprot SG-9 young rabbits for fattening has increased the average weight of internal organs and intestinal lengths, and their development was held in proportion to weight gain.
In the future it is necessary to investigate the effect of feeding Liprot to the taste of by-products of the 1st range.
Key words: young rabbits, Liprot, rations, internal organs, intestines, code development, ante slaughter weight.
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