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The effect of phospholipids as a component of lecithin feed additives on nutrients digestibility in goose youngsters
To improve the agricultural bird productivity is essential for increasing of meat production. This problem is a many-sided one and should be solved in different ways.
Domestic and international experience shows that improving of energy and nutritional value of mixed fodder with high content of grain cereals occurs due to its enrichment with biologically active substances. Their use has a positive effect on agricultural bird production by increasing the digestibility and use of nutrients from animal feed.
These additives include sunflower and soybean lecithins which incorporate such biologically active substances as phospholipids. They are the main structural components of cellular and subcellular membranes. Phospholipids are the only substances which due to including to the damaged cell membranes are able to restore their structure and barrier function.
Recently, scientists have been interested in biologically active substances such as phospholipids due to their ability to accelerate the exchange reaction in the body and to participate in differentiation and regeneration of biological membranes.
The results of publications have affirmed the normalization of the impact of phospholipids during their admission with food on lipid metabolism, the protein content in the liver, the activity of digestive enzymes.
The scientists have proved that the phospholipids presence in the diet had a positive effect on the meat quality of broilers, moreover it helps to increase live weight and decrease the cost of feed per unit of gain.
However, regarding the use of phospholipids as a part of lecithin in feeding of geese is necessary to conduct researching actions aimed at determining the effect on digestibility of nutrients and nitrogen balance.
The experiment was carried out by groups of analogues. Accordingly, 200 geese had been selected at the age of one day, from which regarding the principle of analogues, one control and four experimental groups were formed. Groups of analogues being formed, the breed, age and live weight of geese were taken into account.
The experimental feeding of young stock geese was realized by complete mixed feed, with different content of lecithin.
The results of physiological experiment have found that different doses of sunflower and soya lecithin affect the nutrient digestibility of the diet of young experimental birds in different ways.
All experimental groups being fed the above-mentioned feed additives had a high coefficient of digestibility of nutrients. But in the context of research groups the second experimental group dominated, which consumed 0.4% of sunflower lecithin as a part of feed.
In order for measurement of intensity of metabolic processing in the body of birds the research for determination of nitrogen balance was conducting. The calculations showed that subject’s geese ate almost the same amount of nitrogen, which was fed with food.
However, separation of nitrogen from droppings of geese in the second experimental group was 2.5% higher comparing to the control and 16.5% higher from the third experimental group, 8.9% respectively with four and five research groups.
Thus the addition of additive feed sunflower lecithin in an amount of 0.4% contributed to a better assimilation and digestibility of nitrogen in the body of young geese.
So feeding young geese with complete mixed feed enriched with sunflower lecithin, which incorporates phospholipids, has a positive effect on digestibility of nutrients and nitrogen assimilation in the body.
Key words: young geese, lecithin, nutrients, phospholipids, digestibility, nitrogen.
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