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The effi cien cy of bee families feeding by protein with increasing their forces before pollination of winter raps
The eff ect of early-spring stimulation of bee families on protein partial substitutes (low-fat soy bean meal and soy peptone) on the eff ectiveness of winter rapeseed pollination has been studied. Cross-pollination in the evolution of the fl ora has become dominant, because about 80 % of vegetation requires its application. There are two types of cross-pollination of plants: within one plant (geetonogamy) and within several plants (xenogamy). The transfer of pollen within one fl ower or several occurs by wind, water, birds and insects. However, the most widespread was insect pollination, which amounts 4/5 of the total number of plants that are needed to be pollinated. It is established that only with high organization of pollination of entomophilous crops it is possible to achieve the maximum eff ect. The intensity of development of bee families depends on: the age of the queen bee, the quality of the bee nest, the temperature of the air and the presence of carbohydrate and protein feed in their nests. In the early spring, bees may not always provide themselves with carbohydrate and protein feed, which reduces breeding and delaying bee growth until the beginning of pollination of spring agricultural honey plants. The eff ectiveness of entomophilic bee pollination depends on many factors, including the forces of the bee families, the distance from the source of honey, temperature and humidity. Therefore, there is a need to replenish feed stocks in early spring in order to stimulate rapid growth of bees. It has been found that stimulation of bee growth in bee families by partial protein substitutes of pollen in early spring helps to increase their strength from 6.6 % to 16.6 % and the amount of pollen collected from winter rape from 12.3% to 34.1% indicating a higher intensity of pollination of this crop.
Key words: bee families, winter rapeseed, soy fl our, soy peptone, forces of the bee families, pollination, development.
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