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Estimation and selection of bull breeders of various breeds by their own characteristics
By the materials of zootechnic and breeding records, there was conducted the estimation of bulls of Symmental, Holstein and the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed by the indicators of living mass, exterior and sperm production. The bull breeders under study were effectively used in Kyiv and Chernihiv areas on the foundation stock population. The research data specify that bulls of the studied breeds are comparatively large and constitutionally strong, but bulls of the Ukrainian Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed had greater living mass in 5-years-old age. There was found a reliable difference on sperm volume and by the concentration of spermium between pure breed bulls of Symmental and Holstein breeds. Mature bulls of the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed occupy the intermediate form of inheritance on this feature and characterized with the following level of sperm productivity: volume of sperm doze 3,14±0,08 mls, concentration of spermium in sperm doze 1,14±0,02 milliards/ of ml, activity of spermium 7,85±0,1 points.
The work is dedicated to realization of estimation and selection of bulls on their own indexes, as the important element of selection that allows in early age to select the best bulls on the indexes of living mass, exterior and sperm productivity. Combination of high inheritance of physiology indexes allows to successfully conduct the selection of high changeability bulls according to the own indexes. The study of conformities to law of correlation between plant-breeding signs gives an opportunity to solve the task of selection and choose its strategy. So, the selection of animals on signs that have positive connection, simplifies selection, and its efficiency increases.
In breed making and breed improving process, the requirements grew sharply to the breeding and productive internalss of animals and simultaneously the value of their estimation increased on a constitution and exterior, that are the criteria of belonging to certain direction of productivity, by the indexes of health and durability of build. The results of our research showed that bulls of symental breed as the combined direction of the productivity, considerably differ from bulls of strictly specialized suckling holstein breed. Bulls of Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed are also characterized by the features of build, characteristic for a suckling cattle.
An estimation of double plus bulls by sperm productivity is one of the elements of complex estimation that complements the indexes of origin, exterior, constitution, living mass and estimation after posterity. Selection of double plus bulls on the indexes of sperm productivity in the suckling cattle breeding is the important measure of increase the efficiency of breeding work. Analysing the indexes of sperm productivity of different breeds educed, between of pure breed bulls of holstein breed and bulls of the Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed a reliable difference is set on the indexes of sperm productivity, on the indexes of volume of sperm doze (Р>0,99) and concentration of spermium (P>0,95).
Efficiency of selection and level of selection also depend on character of mutual relations between different indexes. Development of these questions will give an opportunity to educe the best double plus bulls and to use them effectively in the system of large-scale selection.
For development of the effective program of selection of bulls on the reproduced signs it is necessary to take into account genetic correlations between these indexes. Studying the quantity and quality indexes of sperm productivity there was set functional interdependence between signs. The educed intercommunication between the separate indexes of the reproduced ability gives an opportunity more reliably to estimate quality of sperm and use more effective direction of selection of sires So, between a volume and concentration of sperm negative connection (r=-0,13–0,27) is set, and between the volume of sperm doze and number of spermium in sperm doze, and also between a concentration and the same sign of copulas positive, rectilineal type. So, the number of spermium in sperm doze can be distinguished as a basic plant-breeding sign.
Thus, the main task of plant-breeding work in the suckling cattle breeding is an improvement of breeding and productive internals of animals, improvement of existing and creation of new high-performance breeds. It should be noted that important direction of progress in the cattle breeding is passing to the intensive selection of bulls with an estimation originally, by own indexes and in quality of posterity that will allow to take away, and in future and to use bulls for improvement, solvent proof to pass to the internals the descendants.
Key words: bulls, indexes of sperm productivity, live weight, exterior, Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed, Ukrainian Red-and-White dairy breed, Holstein, Simmental.
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