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The feeding of the broiler chickens on fodder with sulphate and Zink mixed ligand complex and their slaughter characteristics
The effectiveness of the use of sulfate and the mixed zinc ligand complex Zinc and the effect of their feeding on the slaughter indicators of broilers of the Cobb-500 cross were studied after the completion of scientific and economic experience and control slaughter conducted in the premises of the vivarium of the Bila Tserkva National Agricultural University.
The difference in feeding conditions between the groups was that for the poultry of the first group, depending on age, compound feed was prepared using zinc sulfate in a dose corresponding to the introduction of 60, 50 and 40 g of element per 1 ton of feed (control), for the second - using a mixed zinc ligand complex at a dose that also corresponds to the introduction of 60, 50 and 40 g of element per 1 ton, and for the third - using a zinc mixed mixed ligand complex at a dose corresponding to the introduction of 45, 37.5 and 30 g.
Zinc concentration in the mixed fodder decreased as the age of birds increased. The control slaughter, which has been carried out after the experiment, shows that the different dose use of Sulphate and Zinc mixed ligand complex differently influences on the slaughter characteristics of the control and experimental bird groups. Thus, the largest pre-slaughter weight (2649.3 g) of broiler chicks of the 3rd group is (p <0.01) if they consume mixed fodder with a mixed ligand complex of Zinc at doses corresponding to the adding of 45, 37.5 and 30 g of the element per 1 ton of mixed fodder.
The pre-slaughter weight of the 2nd group, which has consumed mixed fodder with Zinc mixed ligand complex at a dose corresponding to adding 60, 50 and 40 g of the element per 1 ton of feed is also higher than in the control group (2549.3 g). But the probable difference for this index is not established. In general, the pre-slaughtered weight of the 2nd and 3rd group is higher than the weight of the the control group, respectively by 4.6 and 8.7 %.
Regarding the mass of the gutted carcass, it was also greater in the birds of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups, and the difference was significant.
An analysis of the relative indicators of the yield of slaughter products showed that they were better in poultry that consumed compound feeds with a mixed zinc ligand complex. So, the output of a half-gutted carcass was the largest among broilers of the 3rd experimental group (84.19 %), and the difference in this indicator compared with the control was significant (p <0.05).
Chickens of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups showed a tendency to increase the output of the pectoral muscles, muscles of the limbs, skin, lungs and heart.
The results of scientific and economic experience have shown that feeding compound feed with the mixed zinc ligand complex, in comparison with sulfate, can improve the slaughter quality and yield of edible carcasses.
The relative index analysis of the slaughter products reveals that the poultry fed on Zinc mixed ligand complex, has better result.
Thus, the yield of a semi-eviscerated carcass is the highest in broiler chicks of the experimental group № 3 (84.19 %), and the difference in this characteristics has been compared with the control group (p <0.05).
There is an output increasing tendency of the thoracic muscles, limb muscles, skin, lung and heart in the 2nd and 3rd experimental group. But the probable difference of these indexes in the control and experimental groups has not been established, except for the heart output.
Thus, it can be concluded that broiler chicks fed on fodder with Zinc mixed ligand complex, in comparison with Sulfate one, makes it possible to improve the slaughter characteristics and the yield of edible parts of the carcass, and the optimum dose is equivalent to 37.5 g of the element per 1 ton of the feed.
Key words: broiler chickens, pre-slaughter weight, slaughter yield, carcass weight, mass of internal organs, Zinc mixed ligand complex, Zinc sulfate.
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