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General characteristics of modern gene pool of milk type buffalo

The paper highlights the results of studies on the expediency of using the foreign countries experience in buffalo breeding in order to create a new branch of livestock industry in Ukraine.

The subject of the research was general characteristics of the modern gene pool of milk type buffalo, buffaloes milk productivity, their lactation duration, record levels of milk productivity, bulls-sires genetic indexes for milk production indices and their frequency.

The buffalo competitiveness in milk production is proved by actual data according to the yield amount in terms of basic fat, milk fat and milk protein yield. It is proved that the stability of the physiological processes of milk synthesis in the buffaloes lactiferous gland and genetic predetermination of lactation duration are important factors in milk production. These criteria, in turn, make the basis for the selection process of creating buffaloe populations with optimal lactation duration of 305 days.

The highest milk production indices (over 6000 kg) were in the buffaloes of Italian and Indian selection and the lowest ones (up to 500 kg of milk per 250 days of lactation) were in buffaloes of Tarai and Toda as well as in buffaloes of paludal buffalo breeds. Bhadavari and Todd breeds dominated by the percentage of fat mass concentration; Kundi, Mediterranean (Italy), Surti and others dominated by the percentage of protein mass concentration.

Is one of the features of buffalo breeding peculiarity is the fact that one can calculate separately the index of MIC mozzarella output from the buffaloes raw milk by the formula set by Altiero V. et al.

Buffaloes have no peers among cattle by milk saturation with dry substances, protein, milk fat, vitamins, amino- and fatty acids.

The duration of lactation in mothers bulls-sires, the semen of which is imported to Ukraine, is 270 days on the average, the yield per lactation ranges from 3236 to 5967 kg with fat mass concentration in milk of 7.3–9.6 %, protein mass concentration of 4.4–5.7 %, indicating a high genetic potential of bulls-sires for milk production and the further possibility of successful breeding. According to the forecasts of the world leading research centers, including FAO offices, exploring the conditions that ensure the nutrition of the population according to the standards of modern medical science and environmental conditions, buffaloes make no threat in grain stocks reduce and agricultural land areas. They consume mostly coarse and fibrous food, do not require significant energy costs in the process of technological methods and the animal farming.

New breeds of buffalo have been created in many countries and they are competitive with dairy cattle breeds in the main indicators of milk quality.

The material stated in the article suggests the possibility of forming a new branch in Ukraine dairy farming, i.e. buffalo breeding, based on the increase of buffalo breeding stock of Ukrainian populations and importing the material from other countries.

The studies confirm the feasibility of buffalo breeding as a separate branch of animal husbandry in Ukraine.

Key words: buffalo breeding, milk productivity, buffalo females, lactation, breeding and genetic parameters, buffalo breeds.

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