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Influence of complex enzyme additive on digestibility of feed and broiler chickens performance

Poultry farms are looking to reduce the price of complete feed recipes for poultry by replacing food grain for their products, leading to the use of feeds with high content of fiber, non-starch polysaccharides, phytase complexes and other substances. These substances are antinutritional factors and in recipes requiring the use of animal feed enzyme complexes.

The aim of research was to investigate the effect of complex enzyme Kingzyme on feed digestibility and performance of broiler chickens.

The material for the experiment was a complex enzyme Kingzyme which cosist of: xylanase with the activity of at least 12000 U/g, β-glucanase with activity at least 3000 U/g, cellulase - not less than 300 U/g, protease - 1000 U/g, amylase -
350 U/g and other enzymes - pectinase, lipase. This enzyme complex is thermally stable and can withstand pelleting temperatures up to 90 °C, easily mixed with animal feed ingredients and premixes.

The trial was conducted on three groups of broiler chickens Ross 308 from 1-st to 42-th day on 320 heads in the group. All trial groups were fed broiler complete feed based on corn, soybean products and wheat calculated in accordance with the requirements of feeding norms. The difference in feeding between chickens research groups was that the bird first group received complete feed that meets the requirements of the manufacturer cross for all indicators nutrient, the second group - energy nutritional value of feed according to NRC reduced by 65 kcal/kg, all other indicators are identical to the first group; the third group - energy nutritional value of feed according to NRC reduced by 65 kcal/kg with the addition of enzyme complex Kingzyme in the amount of 100 grams per ton of feed.

The studies found positive effects of complex enzyme Kingzyme on the growth rate, feed conversion, digestibility and intestinal viscosity. It was found, that the introduction to 3-rd experimental group of the complete feed with a reduced number of metabolizable energy by 65 kcal/kg enzyme complex Kingzyme in an amount of 100 g/ton of feed increases the average daily gain on 1,4 % and 5,7 % and reduced feed conversion rate by 2,3 % and 3,5 % compared to the first and second groups. Feed consumption in all groups were at the same level: the first – 110,0 grams per head per day, in the second – 107,0 g; the third group – 109,7 g.

Digestibility of crude protein was higher in the 3-rd group for adding Kingzyme compared with a second group at 2,3 % (P<0.05), and the first group - by 2,01 %, and crude fat, respectively, − on 2,45 % and 1,96 %.

Adding a complete feed to the broiler chickens with complex enzyme Kingzyme helped to reduce the viscosity of the intestinal contents in the ileum. Thus, these studies indicate that broiler chickens 3-rd experimental group (with Kingzyme) intestinal viscosity was 2,25 cps, in first group – 2,54 cps, or on 12,9 % more; in second group – 2,85 cps, or on 26,7 % higher.

Key words: broiler chicken, feed consumption rate, average daily gain, complex enzymes, Kingzyme, digestibility, crude protein, intestinal viscosity 

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