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Influence of hydrolysate of soya milk on the production of beeswax bee families and homogenate of drone larvae

The article is dedicated to the investigation of influence of hydrolysate of soya milk on the production of beeswax bee families and homogenate of drone larvae.

The products of beekeeping are widely used and have a high demand among population. Every type of beekeeping products is characterized by certain chemical composition and properties and it determines directions of their use.

It is known that wax contains 300 different substances, the main ones are: esters, free fatty acids, limiting hydrocarbons, mineral, coloring and aromatic substances. Beeswax also contains esters of cerinic acid – 76.0 %, cholesterol esters – 1.0 %, coloring – 0.3 %, lactate – 0.6 %, free alcohol – 1.25 %, free cerinic acid – 13.5 %, hydrocarbons – 10.5–13.5 % and mineral impurities – 1.2 %.

Research to study wax productivity of bee colonies by feeding with hydrolyzed soy milk were performed on Ukrainian breed colonies in the apiary SFG "Volodymyr" Tyvrivskiy region Vinnytsia region. Investigation of wax production and homogenate of drone larvae were performed by the method of V.P. Polishchuk. Bee colonies were selected on the conventional method on the basis of group-analogues. In particular with regard to the strength of bee colonies, the amount of carbohydrate and protein feed, breed bees, systems of maintenance and care.

Bees from the experimental group produced 22.7 % more homogenate of drone larvae compared to their counterparts in the control group. That is, the feeding bees with hydrolyzed soy milk positively influenced on the production of protein products. At the same time it was observed a definite relationship between bees wax capacity and weight of the resulting homogenate of drone larvae. So by increasing the production of bees wax on 9.8 % the increase of homogenate of drone larvae on 22.7 % was observed.

It was found that feeding bees with fermented hydrolyzed soy milk during low pollen input in the slot increases the production wax and drone larvae homogenate respectively on 12.7 % and 22.7 %.

Strength of bee colonies were identified by counting hives of busy bees. Amount of hydrocarbon and protein feed – by weighing on scales. Breed of bees was established by assessing their exterior and biological indicators. Conditions of maintenance and care of tested families during the research were the same.

The results of the studies found real impact of feeding bees with hydrolyzate soy milk on was productivity of bee colonies. So, with feeding bees it was observed increase in wax productivity through artificial wax reconstruction by 13.6 %. While the reconstruction by increasing production of building frames of bees from experimental group the increase of wax productivity was within 9.8 %. Overall colonies from the research group produced 12.7 % more gross wax compared to their counterparts from the control group.

At the same time it should be noted conservation trends depending wax productivity of bee colonies on their labor.
In particular colonies, which at the beginning of the experiment had 8 hives of bees in the experimental group produced more wax than those where the number of hives 5.5; 7.0 and 7.5, respectively, on 27.9; 18.7 % and 15.4 %. A similar trend was observed in the bee colonies from the control group.

Studies show that bee colonies from the research group produced 22.7 % more drone larvae homogenate compared to their counterparts in the control group. That is, the feeding bees with hydrolyzed soy milk positively influenced on the production of protein products. At the same time it was observed a definite relationship between wax productivity of bee colonies and weight of the resulting homogenate drone larvae. So by increasing the production of bees wax on 9.8 % it was observed increase of drone larvae homogenate on 22.7 %.

Key words: feeding bees, drone larvae homogenate, beeswax.

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