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The influence of polyfunctional sorbent on the chemical composition of the muscle of ducklings-broilers

It is established that the use in feeding ducklings, broilers polyfunctional sorbent Ecosorb, as feed additives to the diet affected the chemical composition of breast muscles and leg muscles. In the case of feeding the ducks-broiler feed with the addition of a sorbent dose of 1.0 % of there was observed increase in the thoracic muscles of nutrients compared to counterparts in the control group. Add to feed the ducks-chickens of the experimental group of the sorbent in an amount of 2.0 g/kg of feed had no significant impact on the chemical composition of meat. The best indicators of the chemical composition of the muscle of ducklings, broilers was obtained for the dose of sorbent in an amount of 1.5 g/kg of feed. This contributed to the growth in the thoracic muscles of the organic matter content of 0.5 %, fat and MAR – 0.2 %, protein and ash by 0.1 % compared with the bird in the control group.
Today Ukrainian market offers a wide range of sorbents, in which composition as binder materials used activated carbon, zeolites, some clays (bentonite, saponite, kaolin), garate sodium, calcium-aluminium silicates, etc (Kotyk A.M., 2005; Polishchuk A.A., 2006; Tjamos S.E., 2006).
Therefore, to study the effect of sorbent capable of binding a variety of types of mycotoxins, and firmly hold them regardless of the medium acidity on the digestibility of feed, metabolism and productivity of ducklings, broilers is an important research direction. One of the high-performance adsorbents, capable of functioning in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract – is Ecosorb-с.
The research was conducted in the conditions of the vivarium and interdepartmental laboratory of the Department of technology of animal feed, feed additives and animal feed of Bila Tserkva national agrarian University on catenata-broilers cross cherry valley.
For the experiment were formed 4 groups (one control and three experimental) to 100 animals each (50 males and
50 females) at day old, selected on the principle of analogues.
It is known that the chemical composition depends on the species, age, nutritional status and level of feeding birds.
As a result of researches it was found that feeding ducklings-broiler feed with the addition of different doses of polyfunctional sorbent Ecosorb with during their growing influence on the chemical composition of breast muscles and leg muscles.
It should be noted what to add in the feed to the source of information in an amount of 1.0 g/kg, 2-nd group duck-broiler, birds content increased in the thoracic muscles of organic matter 0.3 %; protein, fat and MAR – by 0.1 % compared with the control.
It was found that feeding 4th group birds of feed with the content of the source of information-in an amount of 2.0 g/kg contributed to the growth in the thoracic muscles of the level of organic matter 0.3 %; fat – 0.1% MAR 0.2 %. Protein indicators were at the level of control, and ash content – inferior to the control counterparts by 0.2 %.
Adding 1.5 g/kg of the sorbent Ecosorb-meat to 3rd group chicken-broilers increased the organic matter content by
0.5 %; fat and MAR – 0.2 %; ash and protein (0.1 % compared with the control). A similar pattern is observed in chemical composition of leg muscles in poultry of experimental groups.
In particular, in the muscles of the legs 2nd group ducklings it was observed an increase in the quantity of organic matter – 0.2 %, protein – 0.1 %; fat – 0.4 per cent; ash content difference with their peers in the control group was not detected, the contents of MAR, on the contrary, was reduced by 0.3%.
Leg muscles of young animals of the 3rd group contained more protein by 0.3 %; organight substance – 0.2 per cent; fat – 0.1 per cent; ash – 0.6 %; however, the BER content was lower by 0.7 % than the control counterparts.
It should be noted that the bird of the 4th group of leg muscles was determined by reducing the amount of ash and REM, respectively, 0.2 and 0.1 %, while the increase of organic matter and grease – 0.2 % protein, 0.1 % compared with the control.
The best results of the chemical composition of muscles of broiler ducks produced for dose introduction of multifunctional sorbent Ekosorb-s in an amount of 1.5 g/kg feed. This boosted the pectoral muscle in the organic matter content of
0.5 % fat and MAP – 0.2 %, protein and ash – 0.1 % compared to the control group bird.
Key words: ducks broilers, polyfunctional sorbent Ecosorb, pectoral muscles, leg muscles, dry and organic matter, fat, protein, ash, BER.

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