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The influence of the Protecto-active probiotic on the content of biotic elements in blood serum of piglets
The modern pig production technology involves the concentration of the large numbers of animals in restricted areas, the use of antibiotics and other antimicrobial drugs. They leads to the development of mass dysbacteriosis, disorders of digestive functions, nutrient deficiencies, especially protein, as well as amino acids, vitamins, macro- and microelements. It also causes a decrease in increments, an increase in fattening terms, overage of feed and, consequently, an increase in the cost price of pork.
In recent years, in Ukraine and in many countries of the world, probiotics, which are the catalysts of metabolic processes in the body, have been procured for the prevention and treatment of digestive disorders. Probiotics normalize the processes of digestion due to the correction of qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, contributing to increasing the natural resistance of the animals organism.
The period of weaning in pig breeding is one of the most important, since that time the piglets are switching to another type of feeding, they begin to come in contact with other pigs in a new environment that is accompanied by stress, a decrease in the natural resistance and immunological reactivity of the organism. The damage of the normal microflora structure of the gastrointestinal tract. As a result of which gastrointestinal disorders arise, daily average gains decrease and mortality increases.
The main purpose of the use of probiotics is the formation of a metabolic active population of probiotic bacteria in the digestive tract, which contributes to a qualitative change in the composition of the intestinal flora and the displacement of pathogenic microorganisms, and also an increase in the bacterial synthesis of enzymes and throughput of the intestinal mucosa.
When using probiotic drugs in livestock production, the quality of feed use is increased, animal growth and productivity are accelerated, as well as the cost of production and the number of cases of morbidity and mortality among young animals are reduced.
The purpose of our work was to study the effect of Protecto active probiotic on the macro and microelements in piglets blood serum during the period of weaning from the sow.
For the experiment there were taken piglets of 45 days of age, taking into account the breed, live weight and total physiological state. The conditions for keeping and feeding animals were the same. For pigs in the experimental group, in addition to the main diet, the Protecto active probiotic was administered at a dose of 2 g per 10 kg of body weight, which was given together with the food 1 time per day for 30 days.
To determine the effect of Protecto active on the biotic elements of animals blood serum of all groups, blood was collected from the orbital sinus, in the morning, before feeding. Blood tests were conducted before feeding probiotics, as well as at 30, 45, and 60 from the beginning of experiment.
Mineral elements in the body of animals play an important role, so studying the effects of feed additives on their content and assimilation is an important stage in the research. After all, it is micro and macro elements that are an important factor in increasing the natural resistance of the organism of young animals.
As a result of the use of Protecto active probiotic there have been established, some positive effects on the macro and microelements of piglets blood serum during the period of weaning from the sow. An increase in total calcium content by 8.81 %, inorganic phosphorus by 5.85 %, magnesium by 12.80 %, ferrum by 6.95 %, copper by 2.90 %, zinc by 3.64 % was noted among experimental animals compared with a control group. Feeding the pigs with the Protecto active did not have a negative impact on the biotic parameters of the blood, all changes occurred within the physiological norm, among animals of the experimental group, there was an improvement in the physiological state, increased gain and livestock survival. It should be noted that all changes in the indexes of the content of macro- and microelements of the serum did not have a reliable nature and occurred within the limits of the physiological norm.
Key words: probiotic drugs, young pigs, average daily gain, metabolism, biochemical parameters, blood composition, prophylaxis, gastrointestinal tract.
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