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The influence of the soy milk hydrolysate on the intensity of bee brood cultivation

Practice shows that in the last few decades there have been attempts to use artificial substitutes as protein meal replacement for bees (pollen load). It is caused primarily by the fact that the melliferous base in some areas of Ukraine is not able to fully meet the needs of the bees in this feed. At the same time, we need to emphasize the unevenness of providing protein fof bees during the active season. In particular, the shortage of bees protein feed was observed in early spring and autumn period and also during the active season in premises.
Lack of protein feed for bee colonies reduces their lifespan, reduces the number of grown brood, delays their development that adversely affects the profitability of apiaries. In this regard, a wide application in practice gets use in feeding bees such partial substitution of protein food as: baking and brewing yeast, skimmed and whole milk, soy flour and milk, homogenate of drone larvae, etc. which positively benefits the development and productivity of bee colonies.
In particular it is proved that the replacement of sugar syrup 10 % water milk contributed to the increase in the cultivation of bees brood up to 35 %. The feeding of soybean flour increased the egg production of queens by 7.6 %.
At the same time it is proved that these partial substitutes can replace the pollen by 50 %. There are current known attempts to improve efficiency by forming various feed mixtures, which include milk, baking yeast, soy flour, pollen and
others. Good results were found to increase the efficiency of use of protein substitutes when bees were fed with baking
and brewer's yeast.
In the recent time to increase effective use of both artificial and natural food the scholars and practitioners use enzymes to improve the efficiency of assimilation of proteins and carbohydrates. However, a preliminary hydrolysis of the protein substitutes are not studied enough, that in our opinion may be more effective when they are used.
The efficacy of the soy hydrolysate of milk was performed in the conditions of right-bank Forest-steppe zone on 10 bee families of the Ukrainian steppe breed located in the village Vasylivka of Buchach district, Vinnytsia region.
Protease activity (15350 u/t) was obtained in Ladyzhyn plant of bio – and enzymatic preparations (Vinnytsia region). Obtaining a hydrolysate of soybean milk was carried out according to the methodology (P.W. Degterenko, A.M. Duchak). Feed additive was fed in the form of a pasty mass at the rate of 300 g per 5 days within 2 months.
Evaluation of the factor under study, were carried out according to the amount of sealed brood comb, which was explored every 12 hours with the help of frame mesh.
The composition of the feed mixture control bee families included: powdered sugar, soy milk in an amount of 10 % and protease C. Experimental bee families were provided with food, which was composed of powdered sugar and hydrolyzed with 10 % soy milk. The obtained results are reflected, and indicate a positive effect of the hydrolyzate of soybean milk in amount of grown brood. In particular, the number of open brood comb on the first date of the calculation, i.e. 26.07.2014 G., increased by 4.6%, on a second – by 16.3 %, the third – by 43.7 %, on the fourth – 45.8 %, the fifth – 41.4 %.
For the entire accounting period, the number open brood comb has increased on average by bee families in the experimental group at 23.2 %, compared to their counterparts in the control group. That is, when artificial fermentation of soy milk have higher efficiency in feeding bees, comparatively with the introduction of the protease enzyme with just in the feed.
However, it should be noted some decrease in the intensity of cultivation bee families as control and experimental groups of brood during the analyzed period compared with the first calculation date. This pattern is primarily associated with the season of active period in which there is a decrease in the intensity of the cultivation of the bee families of the brood.
However, the decrease in the intensity of bee brood rearing families of the experimental group was less compared to their counterparts in the control group. In particular, the first date of the calculation by 2.2 times, on the second – by
2.0 times, the third – by 2.5 times, the fourth one by 1.07 and fifth – by 1.37 times.
In general for the entire accounting period the decrease intensity of bee brood rearing families research group was lower by 1.83 times as compared with the control.
Key words: powdered sugar, soy milk, protease C, hydrolysed soy milk, brood, sunbed, bee colony, bee bread, honey, feed mixture.
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