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There was studied the influence of vitamin-mineral supplement of Tekrou firm, that contain a number of macro-elements, trace elements, vitamins, amino acids, in the amount of 0.35 g per 100 g of fodder on growth and development of the New Zealand rabbits breed of 45-, 60-, 75- and 90- days old. In order to evaluate the influence of vitamin and mineral supplements on the rabbits organism, we used zoo-technical methods of research (live weight, absolute, relative and average daily gain, slaughter quality of rabbits) and statistical methods. There was conducted a comparative analysis of the positive gain dynamics and live weight of experimental rabbits under the influence of vitamin and mineral supplements.
There were established group differences in pre-slaughter weight and weight of carcasses in rabbits that consumed different doses of vitamin and mineral supplements. The 90 days old rabbits increased body mass index by 8.89%, under the influence of vitamin and mineral supplements, which exceeded the indicators of control group animals. In addition, we determined the mass metric indices of the carcasses and internal organs of 45-, 60-, 75- and 90- days old rabbits after slaughter. The obtained data on the organism growth, the mass metric indices of the carcasses and the internal organs of the experimental groups rabbits after slaughter can testify to the positive influence of vitamin-mineral supplements on the intensity of the organism development and some internal organs, which contributes to the increased flow of metabolic processes and building of a greater body mass in experimental animal groups. Feeding experimental groups rabbits of New Zealand breed with vitamin and mineral supplements for 45 days contributed to a better transformation of food nutrients into products.
It was recorded that the vitamin-mineral supplement use in the ration of New Zealand rabbits increases the intensity of body growth during 45 days and provides the opportunity for a better transformation of fodder nutrients into products, in order to increase the body weight of animals.
Key words: rabbits, vitamin-mineral supplement, body weight, mass of internal organs, gain, absolute gain, average daily gain, rabbit carcass, internal organs, slaughter output.
doi: 10.33245/2310-9289-2019-147-1-35-42
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