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Live weight dynamics and exterior indexes of jersey breed fed on dry brewers waste
The scientific results of the body weight dynamics, the multiplicity of its increase, the average daily weight gain, the relative growth rate and the exterior indicators are presented.
The brewers waste is a high-protein product with a high content of carbohydrates, including fiber.For the research, three groups of Jersey breed were formed on the principle of the analogue group: the first was control, the second and the third – experimental. Their rations were introduced by 15 % and 20 % of dry brewers waste from the total diet, respectively.
It was established that the live weight of the experimental cows from the 2nd group was 9.3 times bigger. The live weight of the experimental cows from the 1st and 3rd group increased 9 times.
The cows from the 2nd group had the highest average daily weight gain (811.4 g) in the period from 2 to 6 months. It was 3.2 % times more than in the control group and 7.4 % times more than in the 3rd experimental group.
The cows from the 2nd experimental group had the highest relative growth rate (85.7 %) in the period from 2 to
6 months which was 2.2 % times more than in the 1st control group and 4.2% times more than in the 3rd experimental group.
In the period from 6 to 12 months, the 2nd experimental group had the highest average daily weight gain (671.4 g), which was 2.1 % more than in the 1st control group and 3.5 % more than in the 3rd experimental group.
From 6 to 12 months the relative growth rate in all groups was almost the same and ranged from 54.2% – 54.7 %. At the age of 12 months, the 1st control group had greater index (120.4). The 3rd experimental group had 119.6 and the 2nd – 118.6.
The 2nd group of the same age had better shooting index than the 1st control group 0.7 % times more and the 3rd group 1.4 % times more. It indicated the better development of the body weight.
Key words: dynamics, weight gain, repair heifers, Jersey breed, measurements, indicators.
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