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Peculiarities of milking cows with robotic equipment
The analysis of the world trends in dairy fqrming shows agriculture enterprises transition to the cattle loose farming technology with the processes and operations automatisation.
The aim of our research was to study the peculiarities of cows of different age and performance under milking on VMS De Laval model 2012 robotic equipment.
The research was conducted on "Terezine" Ltd robotiszed dairy farm. It implemented a voluntary milking VMS De Laval model 2012 on 3 groups of cows and on 3 groups of cows of second lactation selected according to the daily milk yield. Group 1 cow had daily milk yield from 35 to 44.9 kg, group 2 – 25-34,9 kg, group 3 – 15-24,9 kg.
Data for the spring-summer 2013 showed that cows stayed in the herd from the 1st to the 6th lactations. The largest part was made with the first and second lactations cows – 43.45% and 37.7% respectively. Third lactation and older cows share was much smaller and was the following: 3rd lactation – 7.35%, 4th – 8.95%, 5th – 2.23% and 6 th – 0.32%. The herd average yield daily yield per cow was 27 kg with a range of deviations from 5.02 to 48.46 kg, the average multiplicity of milkings per day was 2.9 times with the fluctuations range from 1.86 to 4.49. The average interval between two successive milkings was 8.3 hours with a range from 5.2 to 12.7 hours. Typically the majority of animals are milked between 10 am and 2 pm. In the period from 3 to 6 pm sometimes milking robot is idle. The biggest milking line is at 10 am and 6pm. During this period up to 18 cows are accumulated at the premilking area for two robotic machines.
Each cow spends 8.2 minutes per lactation on average in the milking stall the time varies from 4 to 13 minutes. Under normal conditions manipulator spends 10 seconds on each udder particle preparation for milking. It takes 5 seconds to connect a milking cup. Thus, the duration of udder preparation is 40 seconds for a total, which corresponds to the physiological requirements to ensure the complete milk ejection reflex.
The analysis of 1st lactation milking cows showed that in the animals with the highest daily productivity (Group 1 – 38,67 ± 0,95 kg) a single milking yield and the frequency were the largest (respectively 11,32 ± 0,66 kg and 3, 52 ± 0,14) under the lowest rate interval between milking (6.94 hours) and the duration of a single milking.
In animals with medium and low productivity (groups 1 and 2) with the exception of the average daily milk yield and single, no significant difference in duration of single milking multiplicity and interval between milking were found.
Some other indicators were observed in 2nd lactation cows. Like the 1st lactation animals, their average one-off yield was the highest in the high performance group. However, the duration of a single milking was the greatest there. The multiplicity of milking cows between all groupsdid not show significant difference, though there was marked a tendency to decrease with productivity decrease. A similar trend is just the opposite, and it was marked on the average interval between milkings.
The indicators that characterize the manifestation and realization of milkejection reflex under milking cows in different settings is average and maximum intensity of the ejeting. Since the robot milks each particle separately, the yield and intensity was studied separately from each quarter of the udder. In the first lactation cows with maximum single yield of 13.8 kg the yield was found for each quarter. This yield in the rear udder quarters was higher than that of the front ones by 29.4%. Cows with lower productivity (Group 2 and 3) one-time maximum yield was lower as well as the yield of individual quarters and milk yield of rear udder quarters was higher that of the front ones – in the second group, by 24.6% and 45.6% in the third. The index was the highest in the udder of cows in group 2, and the lowest in 3rd group cows. The same tendention was observed in 2nd lactation cows. However, the udder index was highest in high group and it was 45.9.
Aclear upward trend in the average and maximum milking of each udder quarter of firstcalved cows with the increase in their productivity was established. The maximum milk ejecting intensity in most animal was observed for the first 1-2 minutes which indicates the full manifestation and realization rof milk ejecting eflex at milking robot. Also, a tendency to increase the milking intensity in back quarters compared to the frontones is proved. The value of manual milking in both lactations of cowsof all groups was less than 5-10 ml of each individual udder quarter.
Key words: dairy farm, cow, milking robot, productivity of cows, reflex of milk efficiency, intensity of milking, index of udder.
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