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Productivity and meat quality of quail with the addition of garlic and ginger to the diet
When studying the effect of natural ingredients garlic and ginger on the meat productivity of quails of the Pharaoh breed, it was found that at 4 months of age the effect of feeding garlic was minimal compared to the control group. Whereas the tendency to increase the live weight of quails of the 3rd group, which were additionally fed ginger, at 5 and 6 weeks of age exceeded the live weight of the control group by 12.6-17.1%. During the entire fattening period, the average daily gain in the groups fed garlic and ginger exceeded that of the control group by 0.56 g (or 10.5%) and 0.69 g (or 12.9%), respectively. The slaughter yield of the carcass in the experimental groups also tended to increase and amounted to 64.1 and 64.3%, which was 0.3 and 0.5% more than in the control group. Feeding garlic to quails of the 2nd experimental group led to an increase in liver weight to 2.26% and stomach weight to 2.05% relative to the weight of the carcass, which was 0.38% and 0.59% more than in the control group. Whereas when feeding ginger to quails of the 3rd group, the increase in these organs was minimal, namely: 1.77% and 0.45% more compared to the control group.
Key words: quail, garlic, ginger, live weight, slaughter yield, feed conversion.
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