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Efficiency of the use of probiоtics in combination with enzymic preperation in the feeding of pigs

The influence of the complex feeding of protector active probiotic and enzymic preparation matseraza on productive indexes of young pigs was studied.

On the results of scientifically-economic experience from the study of efficiency of application of protector active probiotic in a complex with motseraza it was set that for all period of experience the pigs of an experience group to the animals of that a protector active was added to mixed fodder from the first day and matseraza was added from the 61-st day of the experiment had the greatest increases of live weight. The animals of this group at the age of 225 days prevailed control animals in absolute increase by 13,7 %.

The given results were taken for basis for productive approbation, that was conducted in the conditions of LTD. "Oberig-Agro" on two groups of pigs-analogues 100 heads in each selected by origin, living mass and age. Keeping and feeding of pigs were carried out in accordance with the technology accepted in an economy.

During the first period of pigs growing to the composition of mixed fodder such substances were included: corn – 10 %, barley – 40 %, BMVD – 25 %. During the second period: corn – 15 %, barley – 45 %, wheat – 25 % and BMVD – 10 %. 

The pigs of an experience group were fed with mixed fodder, protector active was added from a calculation of 3 g per 1 kg of dry mixed fodder (1,5 g per 10 kg of live weight) from the first day and during 90 days, and materaza – from the 61-st day during 60 days. Matseraza was added to the ration from a calculation of 0,5 kg per 1 t of feed (0,5 g per 1 kg). The amount of mixed fodder was changed depending on the age and live weight.

Feed additives were used in the composition of mixture of mixed fodders, prepared in an economy at the mini mixed-fodder plant. To form groups young pigs of Large White breed at the age of 60 days were selected. Production verification lasted 120 days. During it’s realization live weight of pigs and mass of eaten feed were taken into account. The check weighing of animals were conducted at the age of 90, 120, 150 and 180 days.

Thus, on results production approbation it is possible to assert, that in the conditions of economy economically advantageous is the use in composition of rations for young pigs protector active in a complex with motseraza, that gives an opportunity to increase the average daily increase of live weight of pigs by 7,7 %, and feed costs on unit of products decreases by 6,3 %.

In the result of production verification it was set, that additional introduction to the ration of young pigs protector active in a complex with motseraza during all period gave an opportunity to increase the gross increase of live weight of animals comparatively with control by 6,46 centner at the identical level of feeding. A difference consisted only in that to the mixed fodder of pigs of an experience group protector active was added from the first day of production approbation, and matseraza was added to the ration on the 61-st day.

The young pigs, fed a protector active that in a complex with motseraza, prevailed after the average daily increase of control analogues by 53,9 g, or 0,0539 kg on a head per day.

An additional increase of head per 120 days of feeding feed additives presents 6,46 kg. Cost of additional increase in purchase prices in 2011 presents 108,15 hrn.

Economic effect per 1 hrn additionally expenses makes 1,57 hrn. Introduction the composition of the ration of young pigs of an experience group of protector active in a complex with motseraza promoted to obtain 39,23 hrn of net income per a head during the period of growing.

Thus, introduction to the composition of ration of young pigs protector active probiotic in a dose of 1,5 g per 10 kg of live weight (3 g per 1kg of fodder) and matseraza from a calculation 0,5 kg per 1 t of dry feed mixture assisted the increase of level of profitability of production of pork in an economy from 38,2 to 39,4 %.

Perspective direction of research is establishment of influence of protector active in combination with motseraza on the environment.

Key words: pigs, probiotic protector active, enzyme matseraza, mixed fodder, profitability, net income.

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