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"Ipan" – feed additive with biologically active material, its safety and impact on bull meat quality
The industrial livestock farming is hard to imagine without use of different preparations to assure the feed safety, water and equipment safety, to improve the productivity of animals. Biologically active substances and prophylactic drugs included in the concentrates, vitamins, trace elements, enzymes, antibiotics, organic acids, antioxidants, antiparasitic possess some degree of growth stimulating effect. More promising biostimulators are not synthetic, and derived from natural sources that have insecticidal, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties, improve the appetite and stimulate the enzymes and have common bio-stimulating effects. Such substances include hydrolysis and lake silt, algae, brewing wastes and others. Being in feeds in very low concentrations, they play a very important role in metabolic processes in the animal body. Employees of SSI "Institute for Nature NASB" and RUE "The Scientific and Practical Center of ANAS Belarus on Animal" designed and tested new feed additive, an oxidation product of urea enriched with malt sprouts.
The aim of research was to determine the harmlessness degree of feed additive biologically active substance "Ipan" and establish its influence on meat of fattened Belarus black-motley breed steers.
To achieve this goal we have solved the following problems:
- Determined the toxicity degree of the preparation "Ipan" on laboratory animals;
- Established harmlessness of feed with the addition of "Ipan" on laboratory animals;
- Studied feeding effect with the "Ipan" feed on the quality characteristics of calves meat.
The "Ipan" acute toxicity was studied on white mice by survival criterion depending on dose and formulation. 50 mice were selected for study with a body weight of 20 ± 0,5 g and formed 5 groups. Animals in each group had the preparation administered by intragastrically in volume of 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2 and 1.5 ml. Dose is expressed in ml per kg body weight. 5 doses were tested (each 6 animals): 20, 30, 40, 60, 75 ml / kg body weight.
Two groups of rats we also used to study the effect of feed containing "Ipan". A study of the antioxidant enzyme – glutathione peroxidase in whole blood showed that the "Ipan" stimulates blood antioxidant functions. It increased activity of 18.8% at a dose of 0.25 ml, 11.8% at a dose of 0.2 mL and 4.6% at doses of 0.125 ml. When fed with the addition of "Ipan" the increased activity was 42.9%. The scientific and economic experiment to fatten young cattle followed by the control slaughter determined organoleptic, physico-chemical and sanitary characteristics of calves meat fed with feed additive. Muscles on the cut were slightly damp, not sticky; after pressure on the meat they quickly leveled, indicating its consistency. The smell of the meat samples surface layer of experimental and control groups is specific to this type of animal (cattle), typical of the fresh meat, light red color. Purity pulping showed that the broth, both in the experimental and control groups is transparent, odorous, the broth fat collected on the surface in the form of large droplets.
Microscopy smears in sight were found isolated cocci, rod-shaped organisms and traces the breakdown of muscle tissue have been identified. Bacteriological analysis of all muscle groups of calves showed no contamination by pathogenic or opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms.
Thus, the study of acute toxicity in mice can be attributed to the group, representing the 4 hazard class according to GOST 12.1.007. Study of hematological and biochemical parameters of blood in rats showed no signs of toxic effects of the feed additive "Ipanema" in feed in the experiment. Assessment of calves meat, fed with feed additive "Ipanema" by physico-chemical and bacteriological parameters, shows its consistency with adequate product. The relative biological value of meat of the experimental group are in the range of false oscillations relative to the control, the products are harmless to the test organisms ciliates Tetrahimena piriformis, deviations in morphological structure, movement, growth and development of the protozoa were not observed.
Key words: dietary supplement, toxicological assessment, young cattle, feed additive "Ipan", meat quality.
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