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The efflclency of the use heterosis in the industrial crossing of pigs
Due to the high demand in the world on lean pork, many researchers approbated and recommended for implementation various of crossing schemes. However, the use of imported breeds in two and many breeds crossings hitherto not fully disclosed. Little studied the differences hybrid animals for energy growth, meat productivity, regularities of inheritance and breeding desirable traits. A more detailed study requires questions of use of this process foreign breeds, taking into account economic efficiency. This applies particularly to breeds Duroc and Pietrain.
Our research has focused on studying the value of heterosis effect for fattening, sebaceous meat indicators and determining the efficacy of two- and three-breed crossing
According to research found that the in fattening young pigs by weight of 100 kg high energy growth had a three-breed hybrids. The term hybrid animal of fattening compared to purebred analog in the control group was reduced by 7.0 – 17.6 days. The use of the proposed scheme has allowed the crossing to increase amount of meat the carcasses of by 4.5 – 11.0% with a corresponding reduction of quantity of fat by 1.8 – 11.2%.
The highest effect of true and hypothetical heterosis was detected in pigs which were used boars breed Pietrain. According ages achieve 100 kg decreased in terms cultivation 5,9-18 days, average daily value increases to 858 grams, reduction of feeding stuffs costs to 40.02 MJ per kg, and increase the output of meat in carcasses after slaughter to 70.6%.
At the same time is necessary to mention reducing the length of carcasses at slaughter of pigs that were obtained using boars breed Pietrain. Shorter carcasses in respect of the parent form, obtained in the group of pigs (1/2ULW1/2L × P) at 1.29 – 2.66%. Satisfactory meat quality obtained from hybrids (1 / 2ULW1 / 2L × RWB): area "muscle eye" and the output of meat carcasses in selected samples was observed superiority over analogous indices mothers at 19.62% and 5 86%.
Among all hybrids observed decrease the thickness of bacon compared to the original parental forms. Descendants combination (ULW × L) in the three-breed crosses were better than the parent form: bacon thickness of -34.96% (1/2ULW1/2L × P) to 23.17% (ULW × L), the area " muscle eye "of 46,13% (1/2ULW1/2L × DUSS) to 82.90% (1/2ULW1/2L × P) by weight posterior third carcass 1,63-12.84%. The highest degree of manifestation of heterosis ordinary content of meat recorded among groups of animals (1/2ULW1/2L × P) – 18.46%, respectively.
Output of additional product is directly related to the live weight gain. In determining the cost of 1 kg of growth, we have taken into account the duration of fattening and feeding stuffs costs. The maximum savings in every kg of body weight obtained in the group (1/2ULW1/2L × P) – 216.79 UAH respectively. compared to purebred animals.
With the implementation carcasses were taken into account their morphological composition (content of meat and fat) and the calculation proceeds from the sale of carcasses considering parity prices of meat and fat. Despite the fact that from hybrid animals were sold less fat and less revenue received respectively (at 104.41 – 248.63 UAH), the total realizable value carcass as a whole and of each kg of was higher. Increase of basic products in terms of money from a carcass by improving meat quality was 268.88 UAH.
In the conditions of industrial production was most profitable pork breeding group (1/2ULW1/2L × P) – the cost of products 583.95 UAH more than the profits from the sale of purebred animal carcasses. Satisfactory indicators of obtained with three-breed combined with the use of boars breeds Red white-belt and Duroc Ukrainian selection of “Steppes”. The cost of additional production per one carcass 484.65 UAH and 393.72 UAH. The use of industrial crossbreeding allowed to increase calculated profitability of 5.64% to 17.93 – 29.70%, depending on the crossing circuit.
Considerable economic effect of hybrid animals received primarily due to higher performance in comparison with Ukrainian large white breed. The use of boars Duroc Ukrainian selection of “Steppes”, Red white-belt and Pietrain to interbreed crosses made significant economic benefits for fattening qualities, but three breed crosses best option for fattening and slaughter qualities are hybrids (1/2ULW1/2L×P).
According to the analysis the effects of heterosis for fattening and sebaceous meat as recommended preferred option is a combination of Pietrain boars with sows (ULW × L).
In the first phase of the terminal system recommended hybridization cross ewes Ukrainian large white breed with boars Landrace of English selection which will help to receive mother's form with a strong the constitution and good reproductive qualities. Proved the expediency using Pietrain breeds and Red white-belt at the final stage crossing, which help us increase the value of additional products for 583.95 UAH in comparison to the profit from the sale of purebred animal carcasses.
Key words: industrial crossing, pietrain, duroc, landrace, Large white, red with a white belt.
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