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Determination of acute toxicity of modified pectinein laboratory animals
Microorganisms become more resistant to negative environmental factors due to their enzymes and cells introduction into the gel pores or attaching the former to the carrier surface through forming covalent bonds or adsorption. In the dairy industry, among these factors are detergents, disinfectants, antibiotics and drugs as a part of milk. Different carriers (matrices) are used to immobilize enzymes and cells.
Pectin characteristics allow it to be used as a carrier for enzymes and microorganism cellsstabilization. This food additive is able to absorb and introduce cells and protein molecules into the structure of the gel-like substance.
In order to improve the qualities of pectin as a carrier, its modification was carried out. However, no indicators of acute toxicity of modified pectin have been studied, which is an indispensable condition for all new dietary supplements.
Therefore, the aim of the study is to determine the level of acute toxicity and to detect biochemical changes in mice bodies under the influence of the obtained modified pectin dietary supplement.
The acute toxicity of modified pectin has been determined using laboratory animals (linear white mice). Eight groups of five mice in each have been formed for the experiment. Animals have been fed with modified pectin in the amount of 50-5000 mg/kg body weight.
Suspensions of modified pectin have been administered to mice by intragastric usinga probe with 1.2 mm diameter hole. The edge of the probe was equipped with a protective smooth tip to prevent esophagus walls injury. The suspension of modified pectin has made on a 1.0 % starch solution. Experimental animals had been under constant supervision for 14 days.
No significant ethological changes and deaths of laboratory animals were observed under administration of 50–500 mg/kg body weight low doses of modified pectin for 14 days. In the first two days of the experiment, modified pectin did not cause any inhibition in the mice. They consumed itmmediately after the feed was available. Theanimals movements were natural. An adequate response to noise, light and touch was observed. There were no symptoms of diarrhea in the mice during the first days.
Gastrointestinal disorder has been recorded in the experimental groups 7 and 8 mice (dose of modified pectin 4000–5000 mg/kg body weight) during the first day of the experiment. Nevertheless, for 12–14 hours after the administration of the food additives, animals began eating feed actively and kept drinking water. The animals displayed the slow movements before they consumed the feed actively, but the response to external stimuli has been noted in each individual. For 14 days, mice haven’t died under maximum doses of modified pectin and have had stable physiological parameters.
Consequently, the study of acutetoxitymodified pectin reveal that this food additive is a low-toxic compound (Grade 4 according to GOST 12.1.007). DL50 for modified pectin in white mice is over 5000 mg/kg.
Some biochemical studies have been also carried out of the effects of the intragastric administration of various doses of modified pectin, including the determination of glucose content in laboratory miceblood.
There haven’t been influence of modified the animal blood glucose concentration as well as any the content, of protein and low molecular weight HS-groups in the mice liver.
Key words: acute toxicity determination, laboratory animals, modified pectin, DL50, low toxic substances, food additive, glucose, HS-groups.
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