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The effect of thermal stress on the productivity of broiler chicken
The influence of solutions dispensing such as ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and potassium chloride (KCl) on the reduction of the thermal stress effect during the chicken broilers feeding is investigated.The research was carried out in the setting of a farm with chicken-production stock of 13940 heads of broiler chickens – the cros of Ross-308. The period is from 22 to 49 days of cultivation.The normative introduction of preparations was provided by means of a capacity, dispenser and systems of water supply with nipple drums.With the current ventilation system from the 4th week and until of therising, the temperature indicators in the rooms increased, especially in the second half of the day, at 7–9 ° C. The humidity was lower by 10–15 % of the normative characteristics, that led to oppression of chickens’ physiological state. It was established the positive effect of giving a solution of potassium chloride (KCl) in a dose of 0.1 % per liter and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in a dose of 0.08 % per liter of water on the physiological state and productivity of chicken broilers in the period from 22 to 49 days. Due to the watering out of these solutions with the water, the preservation of the young was 90.8 %, which was 4.2 % higher than in the control group. During the experiment, the consumption of feed and water on the head in the control group was 3.79 kg and 9.74 L, where as in the experimental group these figures were 4.07 kg and 11.31 L, which was 7.4 and 16,1 % more than in the control group.The ratio of consumed water and consumed feed in the control group was 2.57: 1, while in the experimental group this indicator was 2.78: 1. The live weight 2687.2±48.43 g and the average daily gain of 54.8 g were (with P≤0.05) exceeding the control group's rates by 290.6 and 7.0 g, or by 12.4 % and 14.6 % respectively. The efficiency index in the experimental group was 252.8 units, which was 47.7 units more than the control group.The overall positive effect of producing solutions of potassium chloride and ascorbic acid for the above conditions to reduce thermal stress in the period of 22–49 days contributed to the profitability of growing broiler chickens at 6.8 %, which was 5.5 % higher than in the control group.
Key words: chicken broilers, thermal stress, preservation, productivity, potassium chloride, ascorbic acid.
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