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Productivety of swine fed on poliаcrylamide, mineral and vitamin additives
The feeding effect of polyacrylamide (PA), mineral and vitamin additives (MVA) on the reproductive and productive qualities of sows, as well as the development and viability of piglets gained from them has been studied.
The polyacrylamide, mineral and vitamin additives have been added to the sow diet of the 2nd and 3rd experemental groups. It has been done according to the animal need in minerals and vitamins.
In proportion of 0,5/1 kg of live weight, the mineral and vitamin aditives, polyacrylamide have been added to the ration of sows from the 2nd experimental group.
The mineral and vitamin aditives have been added to the ration of the 3rd group in such proportion: iron sulfate – 200, copper carbonate – 15, zinc – 84, cobalt – 3, manganese chloride – 69, potassium iodide (stabilized) – 170 mcg, vitamins A – 2.8 th. IO, D – 736 IO, B1 – 1.4 mg; B2 – 8.4 micrograms per head per day.
The mineral and vitamin additives, polyacrylamide have been added to the sow diet of the 4th experimental group in the same proportion as it has been already mentioned above.
The sows fed on PA and MVA for 60 days. The feeding was stopped 10 days before farrowing.
The experiment on piglets has been carried out in 2 stages. The equalization period was 25 days (the ration of piglets from the control and experimental group was the same). The main period was 150 days (the control group of animals fed on standard compound fodder). The experimental group fed on additional PA and MVA.
It has been noticed when the additives are added to the sow diet the gained piglets have an increase of viability, immun response (due to gamma globulins increase in blood proteins) and the average live weight by 23.3% during the rising period.
Key words: sows, piglets, polyacrylamide, mineral elements, vitamins, live weight, albumin, globulins, rearing, fattening, feed costs, slaughter yield.
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