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The untrue wooland its relationship with productivity indicators of tauric-tailed lambs of the ascanian fi nefl eece breed
The task of development of thin-wool sheep breeding of Ukraine at the present stage is to increase productivity, improve the quality of wool and reduce the cost of production of sheep. The untrue wool is one of the important qualities of wool, it is established by its connection with the physical and technological properties of wool, the morphological and histological structure of the skin and wool fibers. It is also interrelated with other economic and useful features and is an indicator taken into account in breeding and breeding work.The untrue wool is the subject of many scientific studies. To understand and determine the role of toning is not enough simple definition of the arithmetic mean diameter or aggregate fiber composition of wool. It is necessary, at least, to study the variational series of toning and its homogeneity. The main task of the work was to carry out an analysis of performance indicators of Tauride-type larvae of Ascanian fine-grained breed of different origin and the presence of fibers with different tint of wool and its interconnection with the main breeding grounds. The research was conducted in accordance with the results of the 2018 bonus in the conditions of DPKD "Askaniiske" of the Kherson region. For analysis, the number of lines of 224, 369 and 0058 was allocated. Each analyzed lamb line was divided into three groups based on tint of wool. Animals of 80, 70 and 64 were identified. It has been established that the experimental population of lambs of lines 369 and 0058 is recommended to be used to improve the parameters of live weight and the netting of wool. To improve the output of the blown fiber, you can use analogue lines 0058 and 224, and to increase the length of wool - animals line 369, taking into account the tonicity of wool. At the same time, take into account the correlation coeffi cients obtained when conducting breeding and breeding work with the breed.
Key words: sheep of the Ascanian fine-fleeced breed of the Taurus type, line, selection signs, productivity, untrue wool, live weight, interrelation.
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