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The biological and technological aspects of obtaining the geleeroyale
In presented work there is given data of experimental researches of infl uence of queen-rearing colony on larval bees adoption and infl uence of diff erent technological elements on larval bees adoption and obtaining of honeybee geleeroyale. The aim of the work is optimization of technological processes of geleeroyaleobtaining and researching of their infl uence on larval bees adoption and production of geleeroyale. It was tasked to explore diff erent ways of obtaining geleeroyaleand to choose the most optimal one for industrial apiary conditions. There were compared some ways of complete and incomplete orphanage of bee families. The method of incomplete (partial) orphanage of bee family means that queen bee wasn’t completely isolated from bee family, and complete orphanage means that queen bees were excluded. Analyzing the biological mechanism of incomplete orphanage method where bees also adopt larvae for rearing and produce geleeroyale, it is possible to suspect that only a part of bees feel the presence of queen. Only year-long beesfeel the presence of queen because they are the ones who penetrate through the diaphragm section with built-in block of queen excluder and provide bee family with nectar and protein food. Another part of bees (nurse bees) which don’t have access behind the diaphragm, where queen bee works, feel its absence and intensively feed up larvae on grafting frames producing geleeroyale. Using the Nicot system it is observed the highest larvae adoption and the biggest mass of obtained geleeroyalecompared with other technological elements We need to choose the methods of bee family formation in order to getgeleeroyale depending on season period, specifi c conditions, tasks and production volume. For more simplifi ed technology of geleeroyaleobtaining it is recommended to use Nicot system.
Key words: bee family, nurse colony, larva, geleeroyale, queen-cell cumulosol, Nicot system, complete orphanage, partial orphanage of bee family.
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