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Annual dynamics of microclimate parameters in sections with ventilation system of uniform pressure depending on live weight of animals
In the conditions of industrial complex the annual dynamics of microclimate parameters in the premises for growing piglets depending on their mass in the section for ventilation system of uniform pressure was studied. It was found that the microclimate parameters varied depending on the live weight of animals in the technological section throughout the year. In summer the room air temperature was above recommended norms and the relative humidity was within its limits. The average air velocity in the room was on the verge of minimum permissible norms for summer and was dependent on the location of the machine in the section and increased with increasing age of piglets. The carbon dioxide content was within the maximum allowable concentration until piglets reached 49 days of age, and in the older age groups exceeded the MPC by 0.02-0.06% / vol. Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide content did not exceed the MPC and had a clear tendency to raise its concentration with increasing age of piglets. In winter and transitional seasons, the indoor air temperature complied with recommended standards. Inside air humidity of the room was at the upper limit for piglets of this technological group, and from the second half of growing season exceeded the recommended standards. The air velocity was within the normal range for relevant period and did not provide high-quality gas composition of the air. From the second to the seventh week, the concentration of carbon dioxide exceeded the MPC by 5-90% and increased with increasing piglet age. The concentration of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the room air at all ages of growing season was within the MPC, but in the second half of rearing period, approaching its upper limit. In all seasons, except in summer, the supply and exhaust ventilation of uniform pressure provided the optimum temperature regime in the premises of pigsty with growing of piglets and satisfactory air content of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide and its humidity. The concentration of carbon dioxide in all periods of the year, except summer, was higher than maximum permissible concentration.
Key words: microclimate, piglets, growing, season, ventilation.
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