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The technology of functional bakery cookies with fructose and food fibers
In Ukraine, the number of socially conditioned diseases, such as diabetes and obesity, has increased sharply in recent years, which is influenced by excessive consumption of easily digestible carbohydrates. The most important factor in the health of the population is nutrition and intensity of lifestyle. The human diet should include fiber, hemicellulose, pectin, gums, which are physiologically important components of food that prevent many human diseases, including due to deteriorating environmental conditions, increasing the number of stressful situations, reduced immunity to many pathogens diseases. The quality and technology of flour confectionery depends on the quality and functional properties of raw materials. Products of processing cereals, fruits and vegetables are sources of physiologically necessary for the functioning of the human body proteins, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. The development of functional foods with high nutritional value and the creation of ways to improve the structure of nutrition in general will affect the further development of technologies for foods with high nutritional value and low glycemic index. It is possible to prevent a rapid increase in blood glucose levels through the use of raw materials enriched with dietary fiber. The main problem in our country is to provide the population with useful food products that meet the physiological needs of the body and ensure physical health and active work. The article considers the topicality and development of technologies of functional shortbread cookies with low glycemic index using fiber and fructose. Organoleptic, technological and physicochemical studies were conducted, which proved the feasibility of replacing wheat flour and sugar in the developed technology. In the process of technological development, taking into account the organoleptic evaluation, a prototype was selected and the technology of shortbread cookies "Crispy" with partial replacement of flour and sugar with fiber and fructose, respectively. In determining the rational concentration of fiber and fructose in the partial replacement of flour and sugar in the technology of shortbread cookies, technological processing of recipes and studied the organoleptic characteristics of the model compositions. The quality of finished culinary products is characterized by organoleptic, physicochemical, biological and microbiological indicators, and a comprehensive quality indicator is used for the overall assessment. Calculating the quality indicators of shortbread cookies "Crispy", the following indicators were selected: organoleptic evaluation, content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral and vitamin composition, dietary fiber and energy value. According to the results of the research, the technology of functional shortbread cookies with high content of dietary fiber, reduced amount of mono- and disaccharides was developed. The developed confectionery can be recommended for food in the daily diets of people working in heavy industry, living in environmentally contaminated areas and all segments of the population, as well as to meet consumer demand for functional foods. Social efficiency is to expand the range of low-sugar flour confectionery using the sweetener fructose and wheat germ fiber.
Key words: technology, nutritional value, confectionery, functional cookies, fiber, wheat germ, grape seeds, fructose.
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