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The prospects of technology development flour culinary products with high iodine and food fiber
The most important factor of the health is nutrition andthe intensity of lifestyle. The development of functionalfoods with high nutritional value and the creation of waysthat improve the structure of nutrition in general will affectthe further development of technologies for foods with highnutritional and reduced energy value. The main problem ofnutrition in our country is to provide the population withessential nutrients that meet the physiological needs of thebody and ensure physical health and active work. Flourculinary products are characterized by low protein content,high caloric content and unbalanced chemical composition- low content of dietary fiber, vitamins, polyunsaturatedfatty acids, minerals). Therefore, targeted optimizationof the chemical composition of flour culinary products isan effective main tool for correcting the nutritional statusof person. Scientific substantiation and development ofcompetitive technology of production of complex rawmaterials is an urgent task, the solution of which will allowto expand the range of combined dishes with increasednutritional and biological value and to obtain products withspecified functional properties. The article considers thetopicality and development of technologies of functionaldumplings with meat and addition of flour composition andcystoseira. Organoleptic, technological and physicochemicalstudies were carried out, which proved the feasibility ofpartial replacement of wheat flour with flour compositionmixture and cystoseira. In the process of technologicaldevelopment, taking into account the organoleptic evaluation,a prototype was selected and the technology of meatdumplings technologies was developed. It was also addedthe composition of flour and cystoseira. When determiningthe rational concentration of flour composition mixture andcystoseira, technological processing of recipes was carriedout and organoleptic parameters of model compositions wereinvestigated. The quality of finished culinary products ischaracterized by organoleptic, physicochemical, biologicaland microbiological indicators, and a comprehensivequality indicator is used for the overall assessment. Whencalculating the quality indicators of functional dumplingswith meat and addition of flour composition and cystoseira,the following indicators were selected: protein content,mineral-vitamin composition and dietary fiber. According tothe results of the research, functional dumplings with meatand addition of flour composition and cystoseira with a highcontent of essential nutrients were developed. Developedflour culinary products can be recommended for nutritionin the daily diets of people working in heavy industry, livingin environmentally contaminated areas and all segmentsof the population, as well as to meet consumer demand forfunctional foods. Social efficiency is to expand the range offlour culinary products with an improved composition ofessential nutrients.
Key words: nutritional value, flour composition mixture,culinary product, cystosira, wheat germ meal, dumplings.
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