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Non-traditional types of milk powder in baby food technology
The need to develop products for infant nutrition is urgent. Cow’s milk is the basis for making porridge. The number of children suffering from allergies to cow’s milk protein is 2-7.5%. The aim of the work is to study the kinetics of extrudate swelling in different types of milk, their influence on the rheological properties of porridges and their ability to digest. The degree of swelling of the extrudate in mares’ milk is 12.5% higher than in cow’s milk, and in goat’s and sheep’s milk - 4% and 19% lower, respectively. The viscosity of mares’ milk porridge is 50% lower than the viscosity of «Malyshka» porridge. The viscosity of goat’s milk porridge is also 40% lower than the viscosity of «Malyshka» porridge. The lowest digestibility of proteins is observed in «Malyshka» porridge, in which 31% less amino acids accumulate in 3 hours of hydrolysis compared to goat milk porridge. In porridge based on mare and sheep milk, 51% and 78% more amino acids are released compared to the control. It is proved that the development of new milk-flour porridges for feeding children aged 6 months to 1 year is relevant. It is established that the degree of swelling of corn extrudate depends on the chemical composition of milk. It has been found that goat’s and sheep’s’ milk porridge retains a high viscosity, which is also explained by the chemical composition of milk, namely the high content of fat and protein. Studies of the digestion process indicate that the developed cereals are digested with a similar intensity, which is higher than the digestion of porridge «Malyshka».
Key words: baby food, extrudates, mares’ milk, milk powder, goat’s and sheep’s milk.
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