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Influence of high temperatures on the behavior, productivity and bioenergetic characteristics of goats

Abstract. The research was carried out in IE «Babyni kozy» of Kyiv region at a goat farm where a stable-pasture system of goats is used. In winter, goats are kept at free-stall housing on a deep litter and during the grazing period, on a forage area. Goats are milked on a milking parlor into the milk line. The article presents the results of researches of the influence of ambient temperature during the thermo neutral period and during the period of high temperatures on the productivity, daily behavior and bioenergetic characteristics of Saanen goats. A group of goats of the Saanen breed of the 3rd lactation was formed during the period of the milk yield increasing. The research was performed in thermo neutral period (average daily air temperature was up to + 22.3 °C) and during the period of temperature load at an average daily air temperature of + 27.6 °C. Each period lasted 12 days. It has been found that goats responded to the change in temperature by reducing of productivity by 10.70 % (0.35 kg). Hereby, the mass fraction of fat in goat's milk during this period increased by 0.09 %. During the period of high temperatures, goats spent a little less time eating food, watering and walking, but rested more in a supine position compared to the thermo neutral period. In general, in both temperature periods, the duration of the main acts of behavior in goats corresponded to physiological norms. The decrease in the duration of feed consumption during the temperature load caused a decrease in the number of feed reactions and the duration of chewing the cuddy in goats. The energy index, i.e. the amount of net energy consumption of feed, which transfers into milk energy during the temperature load decreased by 1.42 MJ %. Net energy consumption per 1 MJ of milk energy during the period of high temperatures has increased by 0.62 MJ.

Key words: goats, temperature, productivity, metabolic energy, behavior, bio-energy.

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