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Meat productivity of quail of the Pharaoh breed after drinking a biotechnologicum supplementum (Suspension of Chlorella sorokiniana)

Currently, the use of microalgae as feed additives is gaining more and more popularity in the poultry industry. Microalgae are rich in bioactive metabolites that have demonstrated powerful antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and antiviral properties. Adding a small amount of such an additive to traditional feed has a positive effect on the health and well-being of birds, as well as the quality and quantity of products. The results of the study of meat productivity of quail of the Pharaoh breed after drinking Chlorella sorokiniana suspension are given. The research was conducted on quails during the period of cultivation from 1 to 60 days. To conduct the experiment, two groups (control and experimental) of 30 heads each were formed from day-old birds. Quails were kept in vivarium conditions, in battery cages in compliance with established microclimate requirements. Poultry of both groups received combined feed, developed taking into account age and physiological characteristics. With drinking water, the birds of the experimental group received a chlorella suspension for 60 days. Counting of the quail population and their weighing was carried out weekly, starting from day-old age. The following indicators were determined: preservation, dynamics of live weight, average daily growth of live weight. Based on the results of the control slaughter, the weight of the carcass and the weight of the edible part were determined. Slaughter qualities and morphological composition of quail carcasses were determined by anatomical dissection with determination of the following parameters: pre-slaughter weight, weight of semi-carcasses, carcases of carcases, slaughter yield, weight of edible parts. Drinking chlorella suspension of young quails increased their preservation by 3,83 %, live weight, and absolute growth by 21,0 and 0,57 g (Р<0,05), respectively. Addition of Chlorella sorokiniana suspension to drinking water of quails contributed to an increase in their pre-slaughter weight by 20,0 g, and their weight by 21,0 g compared to the control group. Quail carcasses of the research group were characterized by a higher yield of edible parts compared to birds that consumed clean water.

Key words: biotechnology, Chlorella sorokiniana suspension, biotechnological parameters, cultivation, photobioreactor, quails of the Pharaoh breed, body weight, growth, slaughter parameters, weight of carcass, weight of internal organs, output of edible parts.

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