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The impact of war on consumer behavior of food market buyers in Ukraine
The impact of war on changes in consumer behavior of buyers in the food segment was investigated. The methodological basis of the study is the scientific publications of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on the factors influencing consumer behavior during crises. The methods used are description, formalization, generalization – to determine the state of food security in Ukraine during the war; analysis and synthesis – to determine the key factors of consumer behavior of food market buyers during crisis phenomena; observation and induction – to present the food preferences of Ukrainians and their purchasing power in different regions during the war; analysis of dynamics and structural shifts – to study changes in the main characteristics of consumer behavior during the full-scale invasion of russia in Ukraine; tabular and graphical ‒ to visualize the results. The key factors that affect consumer decisions in times of crisis are economic instability, safety and psychological aspects. It is found that during the war these determinants acquire a new meaning. The state of Ukraine's food supply changed during the war, but the consumer activity of Ukrainians did not undergo significant changes, as the Ukrainian agricultural sector demonstrated high resilience and adaptability to wartime risks. The logisics system of food distribution to regional markets of Ukraine has withstood the critical load and proved to be both socially and economically efficient. As for the quality of the diet, there is a risk of further deterioration due to a significant increase in food prices and a decrease in their economic availability. The purchasing behavior of Ukrainians in the food segment in wartime has changed significantly compared to the pre-war years. There have been changes in demand for products by category, a tendency to prefer long-term storage products, and a significant proportion of the population restricting their food expenditures. The largest restrictions are in the southern and central regions; the smallest are in Kyiv and western Ukraine. Online food purchases have increased, and the war has attracted those who had not done so before to online shopping. The deterioration in consumer security has led to a change in consumer priorities and a redistribution of spending. Established gastronomic practices of Ukrainians have been disrupted, and daily eating patterns and diets have changed. There is a «panic shopping» phenomenon – the accumulation of food stocks that gives people a sense of control over the high-risk situation that has arisen as a result of the disaster. Consumer commitment to domestic brands, in particular those that support the Armed Forces and socially vulnerable categories of Ukrainians, has increased significantly.
Key words: war, consumer behavior, food, purchasing power, panic shopping, brands.
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