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Analysis and trends in the organisation of military catering in different countries of the world
The state of nutrition of military personnel is one of the main features that determine the combat capability of the military contingent, especially in the context of russia's large-scale invasion of our country. The high physical and moral and psychological stresses faced by military personnel while performing combat missions lead, frst and foremost, to a signifcant increase in the body's need for essential substances, such as vitamins and minerals. In order to maintain a high level of combat capability, physical and emotional state of servicemen and to perform combat missions, it is necessary to provide personnel with adequate nutrition in the feld with a cut-off from supply bases. In accordance with the purpose of the work, the article provides a scientifc analysis and coverage of the current state of nutrition of the Armed Forces of Ukraine servicemen, compared to the armies of the world's leading countries, in accordance with the current legislative and regulatory documents. It is shown that Norm No. 10, which is used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine servicemen in the feld, contains canned meat and meat and vegetable products that are ready for consumption, and Norm No. 15 contains ready-to-eat dishes (biscuits, crackers, jam, honey, spices). In addition, an enhanced dry ration with dried fruit, dark chocolate, ready-to-eat meat and instant coffee was developed for servicemen directly involved in combat operations. The author has analysed the food supply of personnel in the armies of different countries of the world and considered the principles of their formation. It is found that the food rations for the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine meet the current physiological standards in terms of energy value and are not inferior to those abroad, but the analysis of their composition showed the absence of dairy products, vegetables, fruits and dishes for vegetarians. To diversify the rations, it is proposed to use foods of increased nutritional value enriched with functional ingredients.
Keywords: servicemen, army, rations, dry rations, food products, energy value.
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