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Archaeological finds confirmed the ancient origin of species Eguus
Human history is integral with cattle breeding history, especially with horse breeding. That is why Eguus generation classification should be analyzed by examining works of the famous archeologists and geneticists.
A horse belongs to the only one alive nowadays representative of Eguus generation in Eguidae bloodline among artiodactyls. Generation has three subgenus – Hippotigris, Asinus и Eguus s. str. Various African zebras (Eguus grevyi Oust) which belong to the Hippotigris subgenus, Asinus subgenus include various donkey species, Eguus s. str. Subgenus consists of the only one specie – a horse, Eguus caballus L. The French scientist Sanson qualified all the existing horse breeds into two groups – brachycephale and dolichocephale. Tarpan extinguished in sixties of the 20th century in heath of southern Ukraine, belonged to that wild horse specie.
Hybrid forms are met in nature: a present-day horse and Przewalski’s horse; a donkey and a mare – a mule; a stallion and a jenny – a hinny; a zebra and a horse – a zebroid. Taking into account the breeding power of the easing generation, prematureness, the life duration of these organisms, makes it evident that the evolution of a wild and a present-day horse is bounded. This can be confirmed by interacting processes “organism x environment” research. However, it is doubtful that even during such a long period of time the horse heredity has changed, although it is a well known fact how life environment of a horse and other organic world species has changed.
Long-standing axioms of horse origin lost their evidential base after finding out the extra arguments. Exploring the archeological finds, rock carvings, potters and jewelers art items, various horse debris in primitive settlements, their radioactive dimension and the latest genetically determined the morpho-physiological structure. The research led to reconsideration of the established opinion of horse domestication.
It is widely agreed that systematic horse domestication began around 8-10 thousand years B.C. and it coincided with Mesolithic, when humans started leading sedentary life. However, there are different hypothesis saying that domestication has been slightly earlier considering existence of the developed civilizations, remains of buildings, rock carvings, figures, pyramids in Egypt, China, India, Northern and Sothern America.
The Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc Cave is situated in France, wherein the age of rock carvings dated more than 30000 years ago. Among rock carvings Tarpan images were found. It is considered that those rock carvings were made by Neanderthal man. More than 400 images of animals, symbols, huts, etc. have been researched and it showed that they had been created 33000 – 35000 years ago.
Even older caves with rock carvings were discovered in Andalusia (Spain), created more than 43000 years ago. There are 2 meters tall horse rock carvings in Tito Bustilio cave created more than 29000 years ago.
Garamantsk rock carvings in Tin Annenouin an Takarkori caves in Tadrart-Akakus mountain group Livia Sahara were discovered. They describe routine life of hunters and stock-breeders.
In 1959 in Capova cave (Russia, Bashkortostan) horse, mammoth, owl and other wildlife representatives rock carvings were discovered. Radiocarbon analysis showed that the age of these rock carvings is around 18000 years. They were created in Paleolithic era. Experts note high professionalism in drawing (using light and shadow effect, perspective proportion, etc.). Animals are often presented in motion with harness (snaffle etc.).
Horse domestication in the Black Sea region took place around IV millennium A.D. as well as in southern Russian heaths and in the Balkan-Danubian region.
Using horse in harness in Eurasia heaths has been known from the XVI century B.C.
The earliest horse riding references arise from Western Asia and belong to the first part of II millennium B.C. and in Chinese northern borders in the second quarter of I millennium B.C.
The facts that have been mentioned allow reconsidering generally accepted fact of domestic cattle breeding existence around 10000 years ago and allow extending it minimum to 20000 years ago.
In different geographical regions different horse species (saddlers, coachers, draft horses) have been formed.
Key words: horse, origin, ancient images, migration horses across continents.
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