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Comparative characteristics of disinfectants for dairy equipment and quality of dairy products under the influence of paratypical environmental factors
The parameters of the microclimate of the barn under the untethered method of keeping cows in the spring were studied. It was found that the temperature in the barn was on average 8.8±1.34 °C, the relative humidity and air velocity in the compared rooms were within the limits of hygienic standards. Microbiological indicators of bacterial air contamination correspond to the upper limits of hygienic standards and amounted to 116.64±6.32 CFU/sс3. The bacterial contamination of technological equipment averaged 119.33±14.71 thousand CFU/sc3. The content of harmful gases in the premises did not exceed the permissible sanitary and hygienic standards and was within the limits of the standards of VNTP-APC-01.05 Livestock enterprises (complexes, farms, small farms). The average number of MAFANM in the flushes from the study objects (teat rubber, collector, milk hose, milk pipeline) after washing with water was 368.4±9.8 thousand CFU/ sс3, and with 0.5% soda ash solution - 249.0±11.7 thousand CFU/sс3. The best level of microbiological cleanliness of the internal surfaces of dairy equipment was provided by sanitization using the disinfectant "Perfo Grif", with the number of MAFANM in the flushes averaging 139.7±7.0 thousand CFU/sс3. The best indicators of microbiological cleanliness of dairy equipment were obtained during sanitization with 0.5% Higienic-K solution. The average number of MAFANM was 126.2±1.5 thousand CFU/sс3. When using a solution of soda ash for sanitizing dairy equipment, the amount of MAFANM in freshly milked milk taken from the cooler was 198.3±12.16 thousand CFU/ sс3, which corresponds to the first grade according to DSTU 3362:2018 "Cow's milk". Technical conditions. At the same time, during the sanitization of equipment with acidic detergents and disinfectants "Perfo Grif" and "Higienic-K", the amount of MAFANM in milk was 114±8.14 and 102.0±16.3 thousand CFU/sс3, respectively, which corresponds to the highest grade. At the same time, the BCCP titer was more than 1.0, and the number of somatic cells (SCC) was within the permissible range (400 thousand/ml). Therefore, for effective sanitary and hygienic treatment of milking equipment, working solutions of disinfectants based on peracetic, nitric and phosphoric acids should contain 0.5% of the active ingredient, which will ensure the destruction of microorganisms during exposure for 5 – 15 minutes.
Key words: dairy equipment, dairy products, disinfection, milk production hygiene, microbiological indicators of milk, milk production technology, milk quality.
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