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The dependence of the productive qualities of pigs on the ventilation system of the premises during the suckling period of their cultivation
The dependence of the growth rate, the safety of young pigs in growing and fattening and their feeding qualities on the ventilation system of negative and uniform pressure in the suckling period of their cultivation was studied. We have found that the growth rate of piglets, and their payment of feed by growth during rearing, did not depend on the design features of the room ventilation system during suckling period. We have established some better preservation of piglets in growing with an unchanged ventilation system in the suckling and growing periods. It was revealed the tendency to insignificantly improve of the growth rate and feed payment by growths in piglets, which were grown during ventilation with uniform pressure in the suckling period. It was found that pigs that were raised during the suckling period with a uniform pressure ventilation system reached a mass of 100 kg at the age of 158.4 days, while their counterparts that were raised at that time with a negative pressure ventilation system reached the age of 159.8, that is later on 1, 4 days, or 0.88%. It wasn’t found a significant dependence of the feeding qualities of pigs on the ventilation system of the premises during the suckling period of their cultivation. There was a tendency to a slight improvement in the safety index by 1.9% in animals that were kept in the suckling period with a uniform pressure ventilation system, compared with analogues that were raised during this period with negative pressure ventilation. According to the calculation of the index of feeding qualities according to the formula M.D. Berezovsky, a comprehensive indicator of feeding qualities in animals that were raised during the suction period with uniform pressure ventilation was 21.4% higher compared to peers that were kept during negative pressure ventilation. In general, the growth rate of pigs during rearing and fattening, their safety during these periods and fattening qualities did not significantly depend on the ventilation system of the premises during the suction period of their rearing.
Key words: ventilation, microclimate, sow, pig, multiplicity, growth, safety.
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