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Hematological profi le of pig blood for feeding cellulose amylolytic additive
The level of provision of animals with basic nutrients, feeding conditions, physiological condition, age, sex was assessed according to blood parameters. Researched the content of total blood protein, albumin, globulins, glucose, calcium, phosphorus, hemoglobin, erythrocyte count and hematocrit, also calculated blood indices using a set of hematological techniques. The aim was to clarify the biochemical and morphological parameters of the blood of pigs for fattening, by adding additives to the diet. The eff ect of feeding cellulose amylolytic enzyme additive on the productive qualities of pigs for fattening was studied. The cellulose amylolytic additive comprises 0.5% of the enzyme cellulase, 1 gram of which provides 2700 units of activity, and 0.1% of the enzyme α-amylase, 1 gram of which provides 9342 units of activity, with an activity ratio of 1: 4, respectively. Studies in pigs were performed in two stages: the equalization period (15 days) and the main (71 days). Grain fodder grown directly on the farm - barley, wheat, soybeans - was used for feeding pigs. The diet of the control group consisted of 63% barley grain, 27.5% wheat grain, 9% soybean meal 0.5% mineral supplement. Pigs of the experimental group were fed cellulose amylolytic feed additive at the rate of 5 g of cellulase and 1 g of amylase per 1 kg of feed. The use of the above additive in the diets of pigs was observed to increase the immunity of animals due to an increase in gamma globulin in blood proteins by 9%. The increase in the amount of hemoglobin by 8% and erythrocytes by 14% during fattening, due to improved housing conditions and external antigenic stimulation of physiological processes. Decisions on the appropriateness of the inclusion of cellulose amylolytic additive in the diet are made on the basis of production tests of the proposed drug, which increased the average daily gain of live weight by 19.7% during the period of fattening pigs.
Key words: pigs, blood, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, leukocytes, thrombocytes, albumins, globulins.
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