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The improvement of the system of early weaning of lambs with the use of immunomodulator “KAFI”
The article deals with working out of the system of early weaning of lambs from ewes at the age of two months using the specialized immunomodulating preparation “KAFI”.
There is generally used 4-month’s standard period of lamb growth under the ewes in sheep farming. However it was established that the highest milk productivity of ewes was observed in the beginning of two months of lamb growth. And in the third and fourth months of lactation the amount of produced milk was only 15-20% of the total produced milk over all period. Because of this there is a need for earlier weaning of lambs from their ewes.
In some developed countries where much attention is paid to sheep farming (the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada etc.) there are advances in scientific research in this aspect. Such scientists as M. Gaisford and R. Larch note about the feasibility of carrying out the specific techniques used for early weaning of lambs from ewes not only to produce the lamb, but also for the next intensive rearing of breeders.
The aim of our research is to develop methods of early weaning of lambs from ewes at 2 month’s age with the use of specialized preparation “KAFI” and to study the possibility of the next intensive use of these animals in sheep farming.
Earlier we have used the complex “trivitamin ADE” for the lambs but in the latest developments of scientists of Bila Tserkva national agrarian university it was proposed to use the specialized preparation “KAFI” for lamb feeding. This preparation can significantly improve the resistance of a young body at this unsuitable period of growth. And we should note that this preparation has never used before.
The scientific experiment was taken at the sheep farm where in March there were selected 40 purebred rams of Prekos breed at the age of two months and were created four groups by the analogy principle (three experimental and one – control). After the weeks surge period the animals have been taken from their ewes and carried them the preparation “KAFI” by intramuscular injection. Then from two to four months age all the lambs were grown in the same conditions of feeding. And after the age of four months the rams of all the groups were fed by the standard feeds and were slaughtered for meat at nine months.
During the experiment it was established that the most intensive growth have the lambs of 3 and 4 of experimental groups. Their live weight at the age of 4 months was average 27.45 kg against – 24. 40 kg at the control one that is more than12,5%. And also the animals of the experimental groups were characterized by better growth. We have noted that clinical parameters of the condition of lamb body at the period of early weaning of ewes during the use of the preparation “KAFI” were within normal limits for healthy animals.
The studies in the animal productivity showed that the largest wool clip was from rams of the third group relative to the control one and was 3.2 kg that is more than 0.70 kg or 28% more than at high reliability level (P>0.99). The highest parameters of productivity were noted at the animals of the third experimental group. The carcass weight was 27.6 kg that is more than 6.7 kg or 32% against the control one (at very high reliability – P>0.999). And the meat was characterized by better quality.
Thus explored scheme of rams growing for meat under the early weaning and special preparation “KAFI” allows to receive high rates of their growth and development, high level of wool and meat productivity with absolute safety of lambs.
Key words: young sheep, wool, sheepskin, preparation “KAFI”.
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